Afganistan Collapse

See this is what I am missing. Why the fck are there so many Americans and foreigners there when they knew the deadline anyway? They knew this shit for how long? Seems like forever ago but with COVID my sense of time is shit. Obviously most of these people are natives with green cards etc, read about one family who went to visit their in-laws. Who the hell told them to wait till the last minute?
Stupidest fucking withdrawal in the history of the US, maybe in military history.
Who ever came up with this plan should face consequences & Biden should have known better.
The Buck stopped with him and he really, really fucked this one up.
Sad all the way around
Stupidest fucking withdrawal in the history of the US, maybe in military history.
Who ever came up with this plan should face consequences & Biden should have known better.
The Buck stopped with him and he really, really fucked this one up.
Sad all the way around

name one good withdrawal you are personally happy with.
Israel is our Pit Bull. WE say "O.K. go!" They'll go and G*D help anybody in their way.
I'm very confused.
If your suggesting that Israel would risk troops for the US, it would never ever happen.
Yea, we will die for them and have, with the USS Liberty being attacked by Israel and the Marines in Lebanon for a total of 296 Americans in Arlington due to Israel.
Don't get me started on that bloodsucking nation.
They do nothing for us, but take our money and weapons and have us defend or at least look the other way while they steal land.
Fuck Israel
We fucking can't go in.
The Taliban is entrenched in Kabul, a metro with a population in excess of 4 million.
What are we supposed to do, fight street by street?
We're fucked
Or shall I say the Americans LEFT FUCKING BEHIND!!!! are fucked.
No, the thought was to go after ISIS, and they kind of keep a low profile around the Taliban. There will not be any searching Kabul for them.
Yeah, I hate Israeli tactics, but imagine if your country had been invaded over some obscure interpretations of the Bible and nearly a million people are forcibly removed from territory known as theirs for eons.
Stupidest fucking withdrawal in the history of the US, maybe in military history.
Who ever came up with this plan should face consequences & Biden should have known better.
The Buck stopped with him and he really, really fucked this one up.
Sad all the way around
As everyone, even the Taliban thought, nobody though they could just waltz in and take the town. If the Afghan army fought them off there would have been plenty of time.
Why has ISIS never attacked ISRAEL? They've attacked EVERYBODY ELSE SURROUNDING ISRAEL - but these rabid anti-semites cant seem to figure out where Israel is?

Or maybe ISIS is.................. nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anybody that knows politics knows that Bush Jr/Obama/Biden had/have no active leadership role as president. So blaming or crediting any of them for anything is just silly.

So the question is - WHY did Biden's overlords allow Afghanistan to happen? There is no way they are THAT incompetent and stupid, they KNEW what the result would be.

What is the purpose of this intentional fuckup?