Afganistan Collapse

Well we all can't be red blooded Americans like you. I mean you actually typed those words. RED BLOODED AMERICAN. pretty pathetic if you ask me. Lions and tigers and Russians oh my.
If you are an American, that would make you a 'red blooded American'.

More deflecting and dismissing from the very real attack on our citizens.

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So now all Americans are red blooded Americans? lol, now I think you're editing yourself there buddy. I think you're like the majority of the racists who say that kind of stuff. A little xenophobia, a little racist, 100% red blooded American.

there are your people
So now all Americans are red blooded Americans? lol, now I think you're editing yourself there buddy. I think you're like the majority of the racists who say that kind of stuff. A little xenophobia, a little racist, 100% red blooded American.
This past year has been a tough one for American Asians, most of the assholes giving us problems are red blooded Americans. I don't expect you to get, as I have already said, I have a very low opinion of some of you.
Um, I know it might not matter to you that a foreign nation is attacking American citizens, but it should if you actually care about this nation.

hahahaha...the russians!
israeli propaganda

Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012
hahahaha...the russians!
israeli propaganda

Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012
Deflecting for the Russians now too?

Also no shit about Netanyahu's trolling.

Funny that you want to do anything but talk about the reality that you are dismissing about Trump's campaign manager sharing the RNC data on American citizens with the Russian military that they used to attack our citizens. Not funny haha though.
This past year has been a tough one for American Asians, most of the assholes giving us problems are red blooded Americans.

Yeah, it’s been tough, agreed, but that bullshit is happening everywhere, unfortunately.

I don't expect you to get, as I have already said, I have a very low opinion of some of you.
You can have a low opinion of him but to call him racist is not accurate. Besides, doesn’t everybody have red blood?
In my experience the people who say red blooded Americans are usually racists. Of course white guys usually don't have a fcking clue how racist they are, because they think they are fighting the good fight when they speak out against it, all the while being racist as fck. I have never met him, nor would I want to judging by his posts, but if I had to bet on it, just another racist white guy.
This past year has been a tough one for American Asians, most of the assholes giving us problems are red blooded Americans. I don't expect you to get, as I have already said, I have a very low opinion of some of you.
No shit.

I remember saying something to you about being worried about that and you said something about it and wishing you and your family the best in these times.

I do think it is a bummer that you are a citizen of this nation and don't consider yourself a 'red blooded American' though.
Deflecting for the Russians now too?

Also no shit about Netanyahu's trolling.

Funny that you want to do anything but talk about the reality that you are dismissing about Trump's campaign manager sharing the RNC data on American citizens with the Russian military that they used to attack our citizens. Not funny haha though.
That's not what your paper says. That's what you want to imply from it.

You realize that trump isn't president now?
In my experience the people who say red blooded Americans are usually racists. Of course white guys usually don't have a fcking clue how racist they are, because they think they are fighting the good fight when they speak out against it, all the while being racist as fck. I have never met him, nor would I want to judging by his posts, but if I had to bet on it, just another racist white guy.
I hear what you’re saying but after reading his posts for the past couple of years, I don’t believe he is racist.
That's not what your paper says. That's what you want to imply from it.

You realize that trump isn't president now?
Nope it is the reality.

Unless this is some bullshit troll tactic that somehow because it says 'Paul Manafort' and does not say 'Trump's campaign manager' technicality. Because that would just be more proof of how hard you are trying to not admit that Trump indeed sold us out to at least the Russian military to help him win in 2016.

Yes Trump luckily lost in 2020 because we learned about the attack that he was helping perpetrate on our society when he screwed up and got caught selling our nation out (because he is a idiot).

I hope after the evacuations that they just level the whole country
I disagree.

Your document doesn't support your hyperdramatic and inaccurate allegations. Simple as that. I'm not going to chase you around in circles arguing every rhetorical accent and reference.
...and this thread is about afghanistan.
Nope you are just trying to stay in your bubble (at best) of disinformation by dismissing reality by not wanting to understand that yes there is far more information in the thousands of pages of reports about this attack that are publicly available.

Why are you intent on changing the subject?
Trump selling out our nation to Putin is relevant to his negotiation with the Taliban.
Nope it is the reality.

Unless this is some bullshit troll tactic that somehow because it says 'Paul Manafort' and does not say 'Trump's campaign manager' technicality. Because that would just be more proof of how hard you are trying to not admit that Trump indeed sold us out to at least the Russian military to help him win in 2016.

Yes Trump luckily lost in 2020 because we learned about the attack that he was helping perpetrate on our society when he screwed up and got caught selling our nation out (because he is a idiot).
ok..cling to your agitprop. Nobody cares about trump. Besides, nothing is going to happen. Wise up, little hyperpartisan. Both parties are exactly the same.
List all the former presidents or senators/congressmen that have been charged or convicted of treason...
Can I politely ask, why?
I think they should be allowed to run their country however they want.
Maybe the suicide bombings killing over 100 yesterday including 13 us service members during the evacuation would prompt me to blow your whole fu**king country up. Responding politely
No...Don't dodge....List all the former presidents or senators/house members that have been charged/convicted of treason.
Nothing is going to happen. Wise up.
Because an hours old sock puppet account that can't even admit that Dear Leader sold us out to the Russian military told me to?

No...Don't dodge....List all the former presidents or senators/house members that have been charged/convicted of treason.
Nothing is going to happen. Wise up.
Sure, and in your make belief world several of Trump's accomplishes have not been charged and found guilty too huh?

You are naive (at best).
but imagine if your country had been invaded
I think I know, because there are numerous examples throughout History & I have a connection to 2 of them.
In America for instance, of which I am a citizen, the people that lived in the Colonies in the 1770's felt they were subjugated by the British Empire and formed their own "terrorist" groups, such as the Minute men, the Green Mountain boys and finally the American "Revolutionary" Army, and waged war against what they felt were their oppressors.
In Ireland, of which I am also a citizen of, so to speak (I have dual-citizenship) we fought the "Occupiers", the British Empire again (peskey fuckers, weren't they) for over 500 years until the Irish revolutionaries/terrorists (semantics?) the IRA, kicked the Brits back over the Irish Sea in 1920.
And now for another example with global implications evident especially now in the Middle East, I'll give you Palestine, which, lo & fucking behold, the British, again, (Yea, the Brits did/do suck/fuck things up, don't/didn't they?) invaded/took over in 1920
That oppresive, Imperialistic invasion created more terrorists, but this time we had 2 opposing groups form as a result, one being Jewish (Stern Gang/Irgun) & the other eventually became known as the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) & eventually morphed into Hamas.
So, I sorta can imagine what it would be like to be oppressed/subjugated & I feel a kinship with all the afore mentioned groups, that fought for their freedom (except the Jews whom I consider to be occupiers/land theives/terrorists), like the Minute men & the IRA & the PLO.