Afganistan Collapse

what was left included over 600,000 automatic weapons...tens of thousands of 4th generation night vision...hundreds of thousands of sets of body armor...some 75,000 motor vehicles, humvees, MRAPs, with heavy machine guns, light cannons and grenade launchers...
They should be in great shape defending their country.
They should be in great shape defending their country.
I agree. It is their country and they can run it however they like. If they don't want LGBTQ marches or BLM riots or women telling them what to do, that's their choice.
Too bad trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives were wasted there for 20 years.
. . . . . ...and slipping in hyperpartisan insults implying that I'm a "sock puppet troll" and a "paid troll" of a political party....comical.
We should not judge folks on just a few posts. That is right. But their name on the other hand is a good indicator where on the political spectrum a person might be. I'd be willing to bet you are on the . . . .

We should not judge folks on just a few posts. That is right. But their name on the other hand is a good indicator where on the political spectrum a person might be. I'd be willing to bet you are on the . . . .

I don't know what that is a picture of or what it means. Can you try to express yourself in your own words?
China screwed themselves with their one child policy and while India has not had the same economic explosion, they also are not spending trillions on what is already outdated infrastructure.

I worked with a lot of Chinese and Indian people at school and know that they are fully capable and building up a lot of very smart people. Right now it is chaos, but to me that means that they are not handcuffed like China is with their centralized mistakes.

But it is just a bullshit guess by me, so I know it can be wrong. But if I was to bet, it would be on India overcoming the Chinese economy.
You know what China's claim to fame is?
Cheap T shirts & Bruce Lee & shitty products that suck.
"Made in China" is a Kiss of Death, everyone knows that, even the Chinese.
Big problem in China, seeing as everything there is made in China by Chinese
Oh Oh!!!
I don't think that's going to end well :) :) :)
Their infrastructure right now is falling the fuck apart because they can't build worth a fuck
This is only 1 part of China's Future
It's inevitable

China screwed themselves with their one child policy and while India has not had the same economic explosion, they also are not spending trillions on what is already outdated infrastructure.

I worked with a lot of Chinese and Indian people at school and know that they are fully capable and building up a lot of very smart people. Right now it is chaos, but to me that means that they are not handcuffed like China is with their centralized mistakes.

But it is just a bullshit guess by me, so I know it can be wrong. But if I was to bet, it would be on India overcoming the Chinese economy.
The problem with India is they have abject poverty in parts of society and it will not change soon. Maybe if the companies pull out of China and relocate in India. But whatever they do China will undercut them. China has the infrastructure and are not going to let the factories move out of country. India has potential but it will be a hard long struggle. China will leave them in the dirt by that time.

I have worked in a lab with Indian engineers, one Chinese that I forgot about. (funny thing just hit me, they were all very polite) No question of them having smart people. Aging China may be their undoing though.
They should be in great shape defending their country.
Yes, they will have no problem defending it. Hope they do not have further aspirations. If they do an Iran and try to export terror it would be a problem. One that a few bombs might take care of. The problem with bombs are they can be indiscriminate. The next year will be the Taliban infusing itself into the government. After that either they grow up or the shit will hit the fan. The one commander who is the remaining leader of the original Taliban is said to be more moderate. So maybe we might see a Taliban Lite. But one that may build up the country rather than chopping heads off.
You know what China's claim to fame is?
Cheap T shirts & Bruce Lee & shitty products that suck.
"Made in China" is a Kiss of Death, everyone knows that, even the Chinese.
Big problem in China, seeing as everything there is made in China by Chinese
Oh Oh!!!
I don't think that's going to end well :) :) :)
Their infrastructure right now is falling the fuck apart because they can't build worth a fuck
This is only 1 part of China's Future
It's inevitable

China can build good shit, they are in the same tract as Japan was. "Cheap Japanese shit" as I recall. The bad infrastructure was just the result of corruption and no safeguards (like getting sued, Wild West mentality. Get the money and get out of Dodge.