Afganistan Collapse

There has never, I repeat never been a great answer from the U.S. on the "War on drugs". SH*T STORM IN MY OPINION!
AND it's hypocritical for you or I to even question this. You and I grow pot. DRUGS!
Your more than welcome to argue the differences between opium and marijuana. But bottom line we subvert the law and are pleased in doing so.
We are drug lords. (notice the small L).

naw i'm not worried bout the argue between the two......i'm looking into the relationship of big pharma and the war.....and the impact it had on the opiate crisis we have in north there?
There has never, I repeat never been a great answer from the U.S. on the "War on drugs". SH*T STORM IN MY OPINION!
AND it's hypocritical for you or I to even question this. You and I grow pot. DRUGS!
Your more than welcome to argue the differences between opium and marijuana. But bottom line we subvert the law and are pleased in doing so.
We are drug lords. (notice the small L).
Well we wouldn't be pleased doing it if pot killed people would we, so that's just stupid. But yes, drug war is nonsense. All drugs should be legal and deal with them as a health issue.
In this instance I agree. Prohibition is crap.
O.K. let's go that way. Along with our wanting of legalizing pot let's Legalize, heroin, opium, cocaine, speed, oxycontin, fentanyl, glue, aerosols, Did I miss anything? Also it would be open ended so anything new would be thrown into the ring.
Maybe huffing can become an Olympic sport.
O.K. let's go that way. Along with our wanting of legalizing pot let's Legalize, heroin, opium, cocaine, speed, oxycontin, fentanyl, glue, aerosols, Did I miss anything? Also it would be open ended so anything new would be thrown into the ring.
Maybe huffing can become an Olympic sport.
Fuck me this post is a mess of logical fallacies
O.K. let's go that way. Along with our wanting of legalizing pot let's Legalize, heroin, opium, cocaine, speed, oxycontin, fentanyl, glue, aerosols, Did I miss anything? Also it would be open ended so anything new would be thrown into the ring.
Maybe huffing can become an Olympic sport.
You forgot hallucinatory substances.
I'm a firm believer in my body being under my control, not someone else who doesn't know me.
All drugs should be legal in my opinion, ingesting them is a personal choice.
If you don't know what your doing or lack awareness of the consequences of your actions & hurt/kill yourself, my immediate thought is oh well, you fucked up & now your dead.
That's life, or death in this case.
Drug use is sorta like sky diving I think.
You know it's dangerous to do (legal/physical consequences), or you con yourself into believing that they're not dangerous (all, and I mean all drugs are dangerous in some capacity), but there's an alure in it simply being that in some scary way, at least for me. (Is 6 grams too much? :) )
I was alway's like "What's behind that door, what are they hiding/doing in there?"
So, at around 12 or so I started to open doors to see what was in that room.
1st door was glue (I had tons of it/I made a lot of models :) )
Then I moved on to Door # 2, which was marihuana & it's derivatives.
Anyway, I opened every fucking door I could find, traveling near & far to obtain hopefully "that" drug, the "perfect drug for a perfect high"
It really doesn't exist, never did & never will (but the search is fun :) ) but in the meantime I feel it's my right to open as many fucking doors that I want.
You forgot hallucinatory substances.
I'm a firm believer in my body being under my control, not someone else who doesn't know me.
All drugs should be legal in my opinion, ingesting them is a personal choice.
If you don't know what your doing or lack awareness of the consequences of your actions & hurt/kill yourself, my immediate thought is oh well, you fucked up & now your dead.
That's life, or death in this case.
Drug use is sorta like sky diving I think.
You know it's dangerous to do (legal/physical), or you con yourself into believing that they're not dangerous (all, and I mean all drugs are dangerous in some capacity), but there's an alure in it simply being that in some scary way, at least for me. (Is 6 grams too much? :) )
I was alway's like "What's behind that door, what are they hiding/doing in there?"
So, at around 12 or so I started to open doors to see what was in that room.
1st door was glue (I had tons of it/I made a lot of models :) )
Then I moved on to Door # 2, which was marihuana & it's derivatives.
Anyway, I opened every fucking door I could find, traveling near & far to obtain hopefully "that" drug, the "perfect drug for a perfect high"
It really doesn't exist, never did & never will (but the search is fun :) ) but in the meantime I feel it's my right to open as many fucking doors that I want.
Jesus Jim. I'm sorry! Peyote and that Brazilian stuff. What was I thinking. I can always trust you to keep me on the straight and Irish.
We are off course and I'm willing to admit to it. I'm responsible for doing so. ( I was on drugs).
So..........what's your opinion on Afghanistan?
O.K. let's go that way. Along with our wanting of legalizing pot let's Legalize, heroin, opium, cocaine, speed, oxycontin, fentanyl, glue, aerosols, Did I miss anything? Also it would be open ended so anything new would be thrown into the ring.
Maybe huffing can become an Olympic sport.
As the poster after you has observed, this post is choc-a-bloc with fallacies. That makes this a dishonest (implied) question.
60's peace, love.
The 60's sucked
They really did when you think about it.
The "American Dream" exploded with the reality of a Modern World, which brought a shitload of wars, riots, assassinations, poverty & general revolution & mayhem.
That envoirment spawned the Hippie/Envoirmental/Equal rights/Black Panthers/PLO/SDS/Weathermen/Viet Cong/Baader Meinhof groups to name a few, a counter-culture so to speak.
Yea, the 60's were interesting, that for sure, but peace & love?
Not really that much.
The Beatles sang about it here :)

This was more my style :) (check out 1:15 into it. Acid anyone? :) )
