Afganistan Collapse

LSD for me.
No nausea like the organics.
I gave up chemicals years ago, but if someone showed up at my house with some good, clean acid, I'd eat that shit in a heartbeat.
I LOVED that stuff :)
I liked forests to walk through or a room with a thousands candles sitting/laying on the floor listening to this.

Or these guy's

This was my favorite to turn on and lay on my bed when I was in high school and just enjoy the next several hours.
LSD for me.
No nausea like the organics.
I gave up chemicals years ago, but if someone showed up at my house with some good, clean acid, I'd eat that shit in a heartbeat.
I LOVED that stuff :)
I liked forests to walk through or a room with a thousands candles sitting/laying on the floor listening to this.

Or these guy's

Yes I liked it as well. The old blotter and sugar cubes were good for a 12-14 hour trip. That was the only draw back for me, it lasted too long sometimes :o! MDA was a nice one too ;).
PS I thought I was a grand master chess player lol. And yup camping was a hoot.
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You are 100% right. I am so tired of carrying two five gallon buckets of water for a mile, trying not to leave a trail on a moonless night. It sucks being so lazy.
Try watering 100 plants in a bug infested swamp with mud up to your chest. Or 500 plants with rattlesnakes hiding everywhere lol. Ya lazy as fuck ...... I am retired now but I earned a whole lot of lazy lol.
America dropped nuclear bombs on innocent civilians twice and didn't bat an eye. Someday history will be rewritten and America will rank up there with Germany as far as war crimes go, but we are a hundred years off I'd guess.
They dropped those bombs to save thousands more, and yes, end the war crimes Japan was committing. You really need to brush up on your history.
Yes I liked it as well. The old blotter and sugar cubes were good for a 12-14 hour trip. That was the only draw back for me, it lasted too long sometimes :o! MDA was a nice one too ;).
PS I thought I was a grand master chess player lol. And yup camping was a hoot.
My funny story of the day :)
Yea, the length of the trip could be problematic as I found out the hard way.
I don't know if you every heard of or saw any Orange Sunshine 4 way barrel acid (It was the brightest orange I ever saw), it was only avaiable in the late 60's/early 70's & it was the purest acid out there unless you could find some liquid LSD-25, the stuff Owsley made.

Anyway, one tab of it was good for 4 trips/4 people (you cut it) which at that point I didn't really understand what the effect would be if I ate a 1/2.
I had only smoked up until then & had no fucking idea what I was in for..
My friends parents were away for the night & we figured all is good, 6 hours is enough time to get high & come back.
Oh boy was I wrong
There were 5 of us who ate it & we were sitting around this guy's pool waiting for it to kick in when I did a dumb as fuck rookie move and figured that I didn't eat enough so I ate another 1/4
Then 5 minutes after I ate the 2nd dose the 1st kicked in.
So, there I was, 16 years old weighing 135 lbs and had just eaten enough acid to fuck up a fucking gorilla.
I spent most of the night in my friends den sitting on his sofa staring at/waching a wall in his room that was around 10-15" long & 8' high painted white (for a lilttle while at least)
Ok, envision a flat screen 4K plasma TV that was 15'x8' and you might come close to what I was watching on that wall/screen.
And then the show began.
The wall became a portal to another place & that place was fucking Disneyland.
I was in Disneyland, for real.
I had intimate converstions with Mickey Mouse/Snow White & her Dwarfs & every other character that Disney drew.
Oh my God, I was sooo fucking high!!!!!
So, it's like 12:00 and the parents were coming home & we had to get the fuck out of there.
We drove around for about 3 hours & then we all decided we had to go home before our parents called the cops.
My friends guided me to the kitchen door, knocked on it & ran.
My Pop & Mom were there waiting for me (it was 3:30 AM & I had never been out later than 12 before)
Oh boy, I was fucked.
Then my parents turned into monsters visually & my Pop became something like Frankenstein & my mother Medusa with the snakes & everything.
They tried talking to me to figure out what the fuck was up wih me, but I was basically catatonic so they gave up & I went to bed and eventually passed out.
Then to complete my 1st of many adventures on acid, at 7:00 AM on that Sunday morning I awoke to banging on my door with the greeting "Get the fuck out of bed and get dressed, it's time for church"
Shit, fucking church.
So, here/there I was sitting in a pew in church between my parents stlll tripping 12 hours later, with the priest changing colors & the stained glass pulsating & the choir singing in tongues.
Nice, right?
But I didn't flip out.
Amazing, right?
This is what I spent around 7 hours watching in my head that night

and this

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Using two nuclear bombs to compel a quick end to the war in the Pacific cannot be compared with the systematic enslavement and killing of over nine million people.

Those two bombs left millions alive who would have died if plan B had been used: invasion of the home islands. So your implying that the nukings were war crimes is an instance where I disagree.

See people? It will take a hundred years I think before brainwashed American flag waving people stop thinking, "Yeah killing 200K+ innocent people was an A O K thing." But more to your point, yes, killing 200K+ innocents, raping the women (that part will come out eventually), jailing American Japanese because of their color etc. What America did to the natives, slavery, and modern day systemic racism. Sorry to burst your bubble, but history is not going to look kindly on America's first 300 to 400 years. And does it compare to the Nazi? Well let me see, my grandfather and other relatives on my father's side was killed by Americans, Tokyo fire bombings, and my great grandfather on my mother's side as well as many other relatives killed by the Germans. So for me it's the same. It's all about perspective.
lol @ case closed. How do you know what my weed is like? I have some Do-Si-Dos I just harvested that will knock your socks off.

One bowl in the bong is all I need for hours and I’ve been a chronic most of my adult life.
I'm sure your weed is lovely. Do you disagree that 90% of what you see out there isn't shit?