Afghan Kush 400HPS 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
So im guessing you got yours from your local hydro shop? How do you vent your hps and what are you growing in? Closet?
I went to home depot and picked up some flexible dryer ducting and a 8inch in-line duct fan also from the depot.Put a couple fans in there for circulation, Dont mind all the duct tape, im really lazy.
Yeah i grow in a closet.

so where you at? 4 weeks into bloom??
3rd full week starting today, starting my 4th.


Well-Known Member
New update! looks like my PH/light burn problem is going away! I moved my light higher from my plant tops(about 8inches) and changed my ph 2 weeks or so ago to try and correct my problems. Looks like we'll never know which one it really was lol:bigjoint:



buds are looking tasty already, and its so early.

And That's in FEET;-)


Active Member
awsome so your on day 22? makes sence your right on track, with a few days ahead of the show from the looks of the last picture- Everything does look tasty,in a nother 22 days things gonna make us drool at this rate.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!
Im already thinking about my next grow, Im going to do soil obviously but what to grow what to grow hmmmm...most likely a sativa, but there are so many!:cry:


Well-Known Member
awesome grow man keep up the nice work and if youre still thinking about your next grow id recommend the kush berry since you are already experienced with kush and you can find them on attitude...pretty sure they are from DNA


Well-Known Member
does anyone think i should trim the lower popcorn buds off? they really arnt growing and just sorta getting in the way space wise. Iv heard of people trimming the bottom of the plant a bit for airflow, anyone have any info or personal experience with this tactic?


Well-Known Member
you could always keep them and use them to make hash along with the leaves. As long as you have a fan on them i dont think you should have any problems with airflow. What are you using as far as nutes? and also have you thought of maybe tying some of them off so that they are in position to get more light?

the kushberry is 70% indica and 30% sativa so if youre wanting sativa that might not be the way to go, maybe check into nevilles haze....amazing stuff. First prize winner back in 98 and supposedly almost pure haze. 21% sativa i ever smoked

keep us posted on your grow man


Well-Known Member
you could always keep them and use them to make hash along with the leaves. As long as you have a fan on them i dont think you should have any problems with airflow. What are you using as far as nutes? and also have you thought of maybe tying some of them off so that they are in position to get more light?

the kushberry is 70% indica and 30% sativa so if youre wanting sativa that might not be the way to go, maybe check into nevilles haze....amazing stuff. First prize winner back in 98 and supposedly almost pure haze. 21% sativa i ever smoked

keep us posted on your grow man
im using botanicare bloom/grow

not sure what that means but ill take it as a complement lol :weed:

Anyone know how much i could yeild? after those pics i took last night its already grown way over my yard stick... in around 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
its a toss up man, depends on how many plants, what kind they are, how long you let em flower...many things could be taken into consideration with that question, best to hope for a couple ounces but prepare for less than one.


Well-Known Member
its a toss up man, depends on how many plants, what kind they are, how long you let em flower...many things could be taken into consideration with that question, best to hope for a couple ounces but prepare for less than one.
less than 1 ounce for both plants? nooooo way, yielded almost 1.8 ounces a plant my first grow with bag seed, if i get 1 ounce for both of these plants ill cry :-(:-(


Well-Known Member
I would think you would get at least an oz., but I don't know, too many variables, I will subscribe. I got kush, purple and platinum and banana, I'm interested in seeing how your yield comes out, just keep taking those great pics.+rep

Your plants are about 2 weeks older than mine, mine just started thier 16 day flowering today, :wall: I wish I had a camera.:sad: