Afghan Kush, High Brix, LED...

Pictures first:

Day 73 (Flowering Phase 10)
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Day 73 (Flowering Phase 10)

- I raised the main light source up to as close to the top as possible.

- The plant is 91cm(about 3ft) tall. If I left the secondary branches alone, the plant is wider than the grow space itself.

Day 74 (Flowering Phase 11)

- Foliar Spray: Destress (1ml to 1 floz)

- Water: 2L in the tray

Day 75 (Flowering Phase 12)

- Top dressed with about 4.6 oz of fresh earthworm castings and about 20 oz of fresh soil. Using a spray bottle I wet the top soil down.
Pictures First:

Day 84 (Flower Phase: 21)
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Day 76 (Flower Phase 13)

- Light Schedule: (10 hours on / 14 hours off) 98 hours of total darkness for the week. At the end of week three the plant will have received 283.5 hours of darkness. With the commonly pushed 12/12 lighting schedule the plant would have received 252 hours of darkness.

Day 78 (Flowering Phase 15)

- Foliar Spray: Brix (1ml to 1floz)

- Water: 2L in the tray

Day 79 (Flowering Phase 16)

- Water: 1.5L in the tray

Day 81 (Flowering Phase 18 )

- Foliar Spray: Destress (1ml to 1floz)

- Water: 1L in the tray

Day 82 (Flowering Phase 19)

- Food/water: Cat Drench + Tea (about 5ml +1ml) in 4L of water

- Recharge: 76g scratched into the top soil. This just adds more minerals for the soil food web to use for the plant's needs.

Day 83 (Flowering Phase 20)

- Water: 2L in the tray

Day 84 (Flowering Phase 21) End of week three beginning of week four.

- Light Schedule: (9.5 hours on / 14.5 off) 101.5 hours of darkness for the week. At the end of week four the plant will have received 385 hours of darkness. Under the 12 / 12 lighting schedule... the plant would receive 336 hours of darkness.

- Pruning: Mid bloom prune to increase air flower, reduce energy draining where flower clusters are not developing well enough. The pictures do not really show any difference since all of the pruned plant matter was a lot of the older growth below the widest part of the plant. A lot of other growers might claim, in their own opinion, I did not prune "enough" off.

Trichomes are showing and some mid bloom fading is happening.

- Water: 4L with a quarter strength Transplant in the tray.

Day 86 (Flowering Phase 23)

- Foliar Spray: Brix + WayAhead10x (about .88ml + about .22ml) in 1floz of water. When compared to the kit instructions the previous amount was too much... not that the plant did not like it.
Technical Update: A new LED array for the vegetative phase.

Pictures first:
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Major parts List:
- Two 6500K 80 CRI COBs [Typical Foward Voltage(Vf): 34.6 each]
- Two BJB Reflector/Holders
- Two One sided thermal adhesive pads (Not seen in the picture)
- Two 105mm "Pin fin" heat sinks
- One 200w MeanWell HLG-185H C1400A driver. Maximum voltage output: 143v (Not seen in the picture)

Miscellaneous parts list:
- Ideal Luminaire disconnect
- Rivets
- 18 awg solid core wire
- A 125 volt three prong plug (Not seen in the picture)
- Angled aluminum 3.175mm x 1.22m (1/8th inch thick, 1" x 1" x 4')

General thoughts: I will need to upgrade the heat sinks and build another frame for the 3500k 90 CRI Flowering specific LED array.
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General Update:

Pictures first:
Day 94 (Flowering phase 32)
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Day 98 (Flowering phase 36)
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Day 87 (Flowering Phase 25)

-Food/Water: Growth Energy + one quarter strength Transplant + Tea (About 5ml + 1.5ml + .5ml) in 4L of water.

Day 90 (Flowering Phase 28 ) End of week 4

-Food/Water Full strength Transplant in 4L of water

- Light Schedule: (9 hours on / 15 off) 105 hours of darkness for the week. At the end of week five the plant will have received 490 hours of darkness. Under the 12 / 12 lighting schedule... the plant would receive 420 hours of darkness

Day 91 (Flowering Phase 29) Week 5 begins

-Foliar Spray: Brix + WayAhead10x in 1floz of water (1ml + .20ml)

- Extra Water: 2L in the tray

Day 92 (Flowering Phase 30)

- Extra Water: 1L 500ml in tray

Day 93-94 (Flowering Phase 31-32)

-Water: quarter strength Transplant + quarter strength Growth Energy in 4L of water

Day 95-96 (Flowering Phase 33-34)

- Food/Water: Growth Energy + a quarter strength Transplant + Tea in 4L of water (about 5ml + 1.5ml + .5ml)

Day 97 (Flowering Phase 35)

- Water: In 4L of water a quarter strength Transplant

Day 98 (Flowering Phase 36)

- Foliar Spray: Brix + WayAhead10x in 1floz of water (1ml + .20ml)

– Light Schedule: (8.5 hours on / 15.5 off) 108.5 hours of darkness for the week. At the end of week six the plant will have received 598.5 hours of darkness. Under the 12 / 12 lighting schedule... the plant would receive 504 hours of darkness.
General Update:
Photos: I will have photographs with the next update.


Day 99-100 (Flower phase 37-38 )

Food/Water: Full strength Transplant in 4L of water.

Day 102 (Flower 40)

Water- 1/4 strength Transplant in 4L of water. The last half liter had less than. 5ml of Growth Energy added.

Day 104 (Flower 42)

Food/Water: Full strength Growth Energy+Transplant+Tea (5ml + about 1.5ml + .5ml) in 4L of water.

Day 107 (Flower 45)

Preharvest task: Remove the humidifier

Day 108 (Flower 46)

Preharvest task: Turn the main light source off

Day 109 (Flower 47)

Preharvest task: Turn the UV off

Day 111 (Flower 49)

Harvest: More details in the next update.
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Day 107 (Flower phase: 45)
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Day 109 (Flower phase 47)
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Day 111 (Flower phase 49)
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1. From one plant in a 3.06sqft space: the total, dry weight, harvest was 4.4-4.5 ounces.
2. I did change the camera settings to bring out the other colors that can be seen under different lighting.
3. I do not write smoke reports.
Seed number 4:

Technical details:
1. About the grow space.
2. On the vegetative light array.

General Details:

Day 1 (Germination phase: 1)

- A new seed has been planted

Day 4 (Germination phase: 4)

- Nothing yet, I am misting the top soil to keep it wet.

Day 5 (Vegetative phase 1)

- The sprout broke through the soil.

Day 8 (Vegetative phase 4)

- Weight: 1324g

Day 10 (Vegetative phase 6)

- Weight: 1100g

Day 12 (Vegetative phase 8 )

- Weight: 956g

Day 13 (Vegetative phase 9)

- Weight: 900g

Day 14 (Vegetative phase 10)

- Weight: 846g
- Food/Water: Growth Energy + Tea(5ml+1ml) in 1 liter of water with a extra 500ml water in the tray.

Day 15 (Vegetative phase 11)

- Weight: 1918g

Day 19 (Vegetative phase 15)

- Weight: 1096g

Day 21 (Vegetative phase 17)

- Weight: 964

- Seven days without food/water
- The first pair of five blade leaves have developed.
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