Afghan Kush Ryder, La Frutta Di Venus, Himalaya Blue Diesel


Well-Known Member
Day 1

Not much goin on.
Just some seeds in the dirt.
Planted 10 mins ago not much progress.
Maybe there just taking there time?
I watered them and everything.
Any help would be appreciated.

Containers are time tested used many times and have long since lost there new pot smell
HBD is in a 1 gal black plastic
LFDV is in a plastic popcorn tub roughly 2 gals
AKR is also in a 1.5 gal but have drilled 1/2 holes around the bottom alot of them and put screen in side to keep the dirt in
another AKR in a 1 gal

Soil is 1/4 perlite 1/2 used soil/perlite was 50/50 perlite soil from previous grow flushed first and let fully dry and 1/4 organic garden soil I picked up from the hardware store

Artesian well water never ph'd it never had too ;)

recipe for success . Minus the B1 thrive alives

Lighting 24/0

Led ufo's full spec and a bloom both 135w 3w diodes
68 watt cfl's 2700k X 4
hoping to add a 300 w full spec led in the next couple weeks had won one but it was the wrong spectrum so i sent it back :( sad day i wish i had enough room for a bloom 300 w but would still need something with blues in it

Odor control
6" carbon fan/filter

Temps stay at 76-79 degrees


Smoke a bowl and wait bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Day 2 no progress seems that these seeds are taking their sweet ass time.
Maybe their bunk ? i dunno
Thought auto's were supposed to be fast.

ohh well
guess ill have to play pac man :spew: :hump: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
HBD actually broke today it was planted about 2 days before though just noticed it a few mins ago
P.s. was just bored wasting time im strictly a auto grower and have been for a few years now


Well-Known Member

[h=1]La Frutta di Venus Automatic[/h]Seed Bank: Delicious
La Frutta di Venus is the result of crossing a sensational Great White Shark female from one of our own regular selections with a specimen of Cannabis sativa ruderalis. It’s a first generation auto. A small, compact plant although with excellent yields of very good buds with abundant flowers. Very quick grower ideal for summer harvests or very discreet gardens. Like all automatics, we advise germinating it in the definitive pot to prevent early flowering. In northern climes it’s a very attractive option for a summer crop while in Mediterranean climes two or three harvests a season are very common. This cross has the characteristic taste and aroma of the white and skunk family with touches of aniseed and spices. The effect is very relaxing, almost narcotic. Very suitable for medicinal use as the mental stimulation is very subtle.

Sex: Feminised
Lineage: Great White Shark X C. Sativa Ruderalis
Grow Method: Indoor/Outdoor
Flowering Time Indoors: 45 Days
Flowering Time Outdoors: Automatic (45 Days)
Yield: 400-450g/m2 Indoor. 25-60g/Plant Outdoor
Taste: Sweet/Aniseed
Smell: Medium
Effect: Medicinal
THC: 20%
Resistence to Mould: Medium
Resistence to Pests: High
Medicinal Value: Very High


Well-Known Member
Never grown these but it says flower time is 45 days
im pretty sure they mean it takes 45 days to flower after veg
thats the only way i could even find that plausible
25-60 grams
im aiming high for this one first time growing it and i want to pull at least 1 1/2 oz's
hoping its a easy grow
the AKR's i plan on topping both for this grow ;) just to go against the grain


Well-Known Member
all have popped except one of the AKR's i peeled the dirt back and checked and its just showing tap barely so replanted and sprayed HBD was planted 2 days earlier and is up to 3 inches


New Member
Never grown these but it says flower time is 45 days
im pretty sure they mean it takes 45 days to flower after veg
thats the only way i could even find that plausible
25-60 grams
im aiming high for this one first time growing it and i want to pull at least 1 1/2 oz's
hoping its a easy grow
the AKR's i plan on topping both for this grow ;) just to go against the grain
Hey, nice grow op! Are you going to top the AKR ? I thought autoflower strains dont like to be trained in anyway... when are you planning to top her ?


Well-Known Member
Hey, nice grow op! Are you going to top the AKR ? I thought autoflower strains dont like to be trained in anyway... when are you planning to top her ?
going to top one to make a Y and one at 3 nodes or possibly just supercrop after the second or 3rd node
ive had success with topping many other tall strains
2013-04-05 19.25.45.jpg2013-04-01 16.49.23.jpg2013-04-01 16.48.33.jpg2013-04-01 16.48.01.jpg
barneys farm sweet tooth auto


Well-Known Member
na second or third node found that most auto's show sex after 3-5 nodes usually you want to top before preflower seeing how after preflower they shoot up hard stretch then about two - four weeks after preflower depending on strain they stop put on new bud growth then reach again then about when the fans fall out they blow up like a baloon


Well-Known Member
all have sprouted one AKR is retarded i think was the first up and still hasnt turned up towards the light


Well-Known Member
week 2 from seed
2013-06-01 20.01.14.jpgAKR2013-06-01 20.00.40.jpgLa Frutta
the AKR's both look like this more or less one has thinner leaves
both la frutta's pretty much the same so far slow growth frail plant from the pics ive seen and little info ive found
these are for the most part a main stalk lollipop not to much branching will grow one out natural
and top and lst the other
think i might super crop one of the AKR's and grow one natural
HBD is going to get the usual dose of lst and topping


Well-Known Member
2013-06-01 20.01.35.jpg
this is my little side project harvested about the time these were started
left a few buds to finish and it started back with the reaching and just showing preflower growth removed all the buds and older fans hit it with
thrive alive B-1 red and hit it with some veg nutes
its steady popping out 3 petal leaves maybe it will herm is what im hoping


Well-Known Member
la frutta

HeHeHe!!! I think the leaves are trying to get wider then long.
These are both slow growers one is tiny but its 2-3 days behind this one and in a smaller container,This one is heavy indica the other is taking a rudy leaf shape, Both healthy they like it dry. Gave all few drops of b-1 thrive alive and a shot of root 66 to give the soil buggies somthin to eat.
One of the akr's is taking a cheese smell already can smell it almost over the budding HBD i have. If it smells to dank my low cfm 6" might not keep up its new so have little experience with this particular one.
I have smoked a blunt in my box and had someone smell the exhaust before they hit it and they could just barely smell something burning said it smelled like paper burning
so hope for the best


Well-Known Member
one of the akr's is getting main lined to 4 tops
one is getting lst and is doing great
Hbd is also loving some lst
one of the la frutta's is a runt/ retarded slow frail very rudy like in appearance
2013-06-07 10.06.08.jpg

one of the frutta's looks crazy indica
2013-06-07 10.05.50.jpg
very close node spacing think my panel might be to low


Well-Known Member
week 3
im expecting veg to actually start this week
they should be growing like crazy
ill give it a few more days if nothing then ill start dumping cfl on em :D


Well-Known Member
A little late night update action2013-06-09 01.12.36.jpg2013-06-09 01.15.23.jpg<~~ la frutta nicknamed bitzy
2013-06-09 01.15.08.jpg2013-06-09 01.13.07.jpg<~~ amnesia auto 3-4 weeks after harvest2013-06-09 01.14.56.jpg2013-06-09 01.13.19.jpg<~~ AKR topped might main line it to 4 tops :D2013-06-09 01.12.47.jpg <~~ 2 AKR's in final home with some stunting leaf trimming 2013-06-09 01.12.13.jpg<~~ HBD little bondage action going2013-06-09 01.10.17.jpg2013-06-09 01.09.29.jpg<~~~ AKR I got this bitch broke over like a double barrel shotty
2013-06-09 01.51.30.jpg<~~ la frutta "big betty"