Afghan Kush Ryder


Well-Known Member
Looks like your doing a very good job on your first grow. I'm going to + sub to it and continue to watch. I learned everything from the grows on here and posted my first grow and it turned out pretty nice. I hope that after you put them in bigger pots your first grow continues to run smooth because your ladies are looking strong. I was actually going to grow one of these auto's myself but my seed wouldn't germinate for some reason and I had only ordered one feminized so if these turn out nice I think I may just get another one when the next promotion is up. Grow strong.


nice1 lilmiggy, they going strong i think il have2 re-pot again in next few days!!!!!
Already roots showing at bottom of pot......
did not expect that so another transplant, 2 in a week= NOOB
currently doing maintenance on grow box will post the new improved 'Space Capsule' :) pics soon,

Happy Smoking people :bigjoint:


Hello all, thanks for the interest :)
So now i have some pics read so on the 24th day from planting a germinated seed i have upgraded my cab so much!!!
From its humble tin foil beginning(possible fire hazard i heard) to then the white gloss paint that was stinking up my room, i have now got a fan and some Mylar covering i believe its called.
Also my friend came up with an ingenious way of lowering and raising my plants so no more crazy Jenga games to get my girls to where they will be comfy :)
Day 24

Day 24 (1).jpgDay 24 (2).jpgDay 24 (3).jpgDay 24 (4).jpgDay 24 (5).jpgDay 24 (6).jpgDay 24 (7).jpgDay 24 (8).jpgDay 24 (9).jpgDay 24 (10).jpgEquipment.jpg


So now i have a few pics of the pistils on my 2big ones which i will repot during the week cause all my plants are getting rootbound by looks of it(some roots at bottom of pots)
Also as you can i made the addition of a little seedling holder on the right of my space shuttle cab im loving it :D
Day 26
Day 26 (11).jpgDay 26 (36).jpgDay 26 (38).jpgDay 26 (44).jpg
And the Pistils
Pistils (2).jpgPistils (5).jpgPistils (8).jpg
And just some cool Jurassic Park style pics Day 26 (2).jpgDay 26 (3).jpg

So hopefully my flowering stage goes well, wish me luck!
Also they were all planted same time but the two short frys had similar damage to their starter leaves during seedling stage, i supppose thats why they a lil slow but still legends :)


Ok so need some help kinda urgently if any1 has some to offer i would greatly appreciate it, so i think 1 of my big plants may be a hermafrodite!!!!!
What do i do can i stil flower it beside female and harvest or what should i do????
They are autos if that makes any difference, :( would hate to kill her/him off


Well-Known Member
Ok so need some help kinda urgently if any1 has some to offer i would greatly appreciate it, so i think 1 of my big plants may be a hermafrodite!!!!!
What do i do can i stil flower it beside female and harvest or what should i do????
They are autos if that makes any difference, :( would hate to kill her/him off
:( stupid hermies....Read this link it may help in this situation, if I were you I wouldn't risk one of those sacs breaking open and seeding up your whole garden.
here's that link: Let us know what you ended up doing k? :) Good luck!!


So update now,
my fear of a hermie has been quenched by a few more pistils showing and alot of research about the males, Thank you Cali :)
So transplanted into 3gallon pots they were so rootbound already!!

Day 30
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Day 31
So the girls i am hoping can adjust to their new bigger home and spread their little roots,
as i now hopefully get to sit back and enjoy the rest of grow with only watering and nuting to be done :)

Also a white rhino has been germed and has sprouted today, loving that!

Day 31 001.jpgDay 31 004.jpgDay 31 006.jpgDay 31 007.jpgDay 31 010.jpg


Well-Known Member
YAY!!!! No hermie :) Your roots look nice and healthy, looks like you transplanted just in time. You got the watering and nuting to do but what about the "LOVING"...:( You cant forget that :)


Well-Known Member
Nice first grow going on here. Interesting the difference in CFL vs MH for veg. I keep thinking my plants are short but then I see my 4th node starts around the same height as your 2nd. Good luck, I'm very curious about this strain for the outdoors this season.
Hey man Nice grow so far. I have a few suggestions however. I can't make out how many gallons your new pots are but they look like 3 or under to me. I grew a AKR in a 3 gallon pot my last grow and this grow I used a 5 gallon pot to run a little experiment. It is defenitly worth it to maybe do 2 plants in 5 gallon pots then 4 in 2-3 gallon pots. I say this based on the assumption you are using less then 3 gallon pots. I yielded 1 oz dry off when using a 2 gallon pot. And a lil over 2 oz with my 5 gallon pots. So economically speaking it would be cheaper using less seeds along with a way less hassle to have 2 plants in 5 gallons then 4 in 2 or 3 gallons in my opinion. But this is my opinion so do whatever you feel is best and most effective for you! Great grow man.
Epic growth my friend, dyin for an update haha! They prob massive at this stage, new home
will be set up by fri nite with improved lighting :)


Active Member
Congrats on the new daughters, going to be watching how this turns out closely as I'm starting a similar grow in the next few days with 3 afghan kush ryders and a 125w CFL in a small closet. I'm just wondering what the benefits are of letting plants get rootbound in a small pot and transplanting to a bigger one?


And Im DonE :) currently baked from it so i too busy enjoying that to update so if anyone wants to know, tell me and il throw up pics and info, enjoy your grow guys :)