Afghan Kush Special DWC 250 mh hps

shes been vegging in full strength nutes now for 2 weeks... planning on a couple more and then its flowerin time...
shes doing wonderfully...
did the scheduled water change with r.o. water for 12 hours then full nutes friday... ive been LSTing as much as i can and have about 16 main cola points already... i have already begun to lollipop the bottom a little (just removing the underleaves and undercolas that dont stand a chance of getting the right light for decent buds)... cash is tight this month so idk about upgrading to the 400w so heres my idea.... ill have 20plus main cola points by the time i am in 12/12... then ill cut all the bottom lower leaves and colas so the focus will be on the 20 main colas and i shouldnt have to stress it from there... im hoping every cola will produce a quad... leaving me with 5oz.s which is the perfect max for a 250w grow....
im starting to subtract an hour from the light every day starting now until its at 12/12 flower.... so nxt sunday i should be changing the water to g.m.b., no b vits, and add fulvic acid...
here she is...
ill updates nxt sunday when shes in 12/12... keep ur fingers crossed that shes a perfect fem... :!:
ive been switchin her into the 12/12 lighting all week at about an hour off a night so i wouldnt stress it into flower... and tonight.... is its first night of 12 hour darkness!
im planning on continuing the lst, lollipopping for the first 2 weeks of flower... i am also going to leave the mh bulb in the first 2 weeks to reduce stretching from hps... i figure the flowers wont need that spectrum until they are developed and booming...
also for this 1st water change into flower i am upping her to 75mL bloom 75mL of grow and 60mL of micro and i did not add the b-vitamins because the container says not to for first 2 weeks of flower????
here she is...
ill update as soon as there is sign of sex...
pleaseeeeee be a female...:-P
ive got her under the super 250w hps now that she has gone through her super stretchy phase of flower... still changing water every 10 days... 80mL of bloom 60mL of micro and grow... probly only going to keep lollipopping and im done LSTing because i dont want the plant to extend out of the 2.5'x2.5' square foot range that the 250w cant give decent light too...
still havent been able to get the fulvic acid cuz i cant really afford it... :sad:
ill try to keep updating weekly...
here she is after 3 weeks of 12/12...
changed the water yesterday... i ended up buying the fulvic acid f-1 and added 45mL to the 5 gallons of water... i am planning on getting some natural co2 in there for weeks 4-9 of the flower... but we'll see...
all together she is rolling along perfectly... i am anticipating lots of beautiful dense knockout kush buds... :-P

cant wait.... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
nice grow man. shes looking real nice. im doing dwc for the first time myself, and im loving it. so much cleaner and easier than soil. more precision and less guess work. anyway just wanted to point out something. you could probably bring your temps down a few degrees if you exhaust from above your light. i like to hang my carbon filter with bungee cords. also im not sure what direction your moving your air, but you should always pull air through your filter. not push through it. if that makes sense. its a lot better to exhaust higher up since heat rises. your room will at least be a couple degrees cooler or more. youd be surprized how much of a difference it makes.
i got an afghan kush (in soil) i got from attitude going as we speak. shes in the middle of week 2 flowering and looks gorgeous, not quite as pretty as your afgan kush but still quite nice. ill try to get pics up. props to the lst.
thanx sk8 iv been pushing air through that mofo... ill be changing that up asap....

and ill b checkin out ur shit too dougy


Well-Known Member
no problem man. that should help a lot. its best to have your fan closest to the end of the line, of your ducting. let me know how it works.


Well-Known Member
sweet grow dude just started germing an afghani kush special also with auto berry fem and pure afghani also going to use 400 w mh+hps cant wait till the tap out cant wait to see them buds forming