Afgooey Motherplant CFLs


Active Member
Hello everyone after producing a hermie due to what I believe was stress from a light leak, someone I know gave someone I know this clone of afgooey.

Pro-Mix Potting and Seedling with added perlite.
PH of 6.3
Appears to be freshly potted into a 1 gallon bucket.

2 26Watt CFLs 1600x2 Lumens. 6500k
Adding x2 760 Lumen Daylights Floro Tubes 18" for side verticle lighting to encourage shoot growth.

Has yet to be fertilized but have 18-18-21 maybe in a week?

Some purple in the veins along with some on leaves but I've also read that this strain tends to have some purple in it naturally.... Another picture of the same plant I had seen had some purple on the stem but this was during flowering.


2nd Pic shows the Purpling of the stem.
Maybe Phospherous Def? Or possibly just a characteristic of the strain.

Picture of the grow cabinet.
Note: Lights are only an inch away from top... Will be adding the 2 floros shortly... Unable to find mylar locally but they will try white poster board or order some mylar online.



Active Member
The clones from this mother will be flowered in a 6.325 Square foot 6'5 Closet. 400 Watt HPS + Blue Spectrum Enhanced son-agro . Light leak problem fixed. 2nd attempt hopefully 2nd times the charm for someone and not the 3rd. First time was a half-ass attempt with nyc disel but alot was learned. Would probabably be perfectly fine had it not been for the little tiny holes in the cracks of the wood in the door.......... Literally | big and -- wide But there were a bunch of them it was an old antique door made from planks... Now have a grey tarp covering the door velcroed from the inside. Pics of future flowering room at a later date.


Active Member
Alright guy's 9 clones have been taken from this mother... check it out at this threat this is the mothers thread... heres some pics of mom:

I lollipopped her and am in the process of LSTing her in a circular motion so to speak I'll post more pics explaining it seems to be working very well I think other people on aother forum referred to it as a * top LST.

This is the most recent picture

Here she was before i took clippings.

and shes naked missin.. i left some leafs on nodes for further growth...

and the clone babies


Active Member
and to answer the above posters question on its age 2 months. now it is about 3 and a day. 2 months from rooting that is. took 2/ 1/2 weeksto root as clone. and was given after it was rooted.

I think i may have made a slight mistake seeing as i never used rockwool before check my signature for post link... or hereAfghooey Scrog!!! - Marijuana Growing