Afordable Care Act aka ObamaCare..?

Once again re read what I typed. I never said bartenders should make decisions. What I'm talking about is investigating fraud. There used to be a bartender in my city who could get you info on just about anyone you asked. That's all my line of thinking is. Don't take it personal, maybe it's a bad idea. I'm not a policy maker, I'm just a guy with a keyboard and an opinion. As far as red goes if you don't believe corporations are hiding money I would love to sell you a bridge in brooklyn. Tell me again why GE made billions in profits in 2010 but didn't pay any taxes on it? Why is that fair to you or I or a medium sized business owner or a small business owner? Tariffs is one way to try and level out some of that playing field on trade deficit. Now make an assumption that I don't know what a tariff is.
GE made billions in profits in 2010 but didn't pay any taxes on it because the head of GE donated millions to Obama's campaign. Their profits are well known. If they hid them, they did a very poor job. Tariffs stifle trade and cost the consumer. Other nations, playing tit-for-tat, would place tariffs on our exports. So there is not a benefit in the long run.
this thread isn't in Politics

Before you let your glee get the better of you, I would like to point out that you volunteered for that gig, LOL VOLUNTEERED!

Here's your sign..... bend down so I don't have to stand on tip toe to staple it to your forehead.
Before you let your glee get the better of you, I would like to point out that you volunteered for that gig, LOL VOLUNTEERED!

Here's your sign..... bend down so I don't have to stand on tip toe to staple it to your forehead.

I hope you have the ketamine ready to ensure compliance.
As far as my FREE volunteer services, they are getting precisely their money's worth.
I'm waiting to get fed to the wolves when this gets moved to the appropriate section. It's not even there yet and one person is getting blamed for a collective failure on politicians faults and our own fault as a society by allowing elites to run the common mans lives rather than being represented by those that walk among the majority of us.
My honest experience is as follows:

I completed the application last month. Lots of questions. When I got to the end it asked me to verify my identity. So I did. Then it said verification failed and to call the marketplace hotline because something went wrong. I tried calling twice and was on hold for long enough to warrant hanging up. I forgot about it for awhile. After seeing this thread I logged on again. I had refill alot of the information on the application because some of it didn't save for some reason. Again when I got to the end it asked me to verify my identity. So I did. Then it said verification failed and to call the marketplace hotline because something went wrong. I give up for now. But my employer pays $10k for my family of 3 with me kicking in $60/wk for health insurance with pretty shitty deductibles. At some point we might lose it. I'd like to atleast explore my options.
Enjoy being chipped
You already are. You're typing on the internet which the information is being collected by the NSA. It's the same as being chipped. The data farm servers were fired up in September. The biggest challenge they face from what I can tell is going through the massive amounts of data being collected.
You already are. You're typing on the internet which the information is being collected by the NSA. It's the same as being chipped. The data farm servers were fired up in September. The biggest challenge they face from what I can tell is going through the massive amounts of data being collected.
The automation for that is getting better and better. I imagine that the backlog is about gone and we're in realtime now. So it becomes my duty to be constantly annoying.
Ok.. not trying to get political.. so.. and if you think, one party loves you more then another...

*--------------------------------> smack head here till senses come thru<---------------------------*

Have you been denied.. accepted.. bennies higher or lower then before?

I have tried to apply.. but not able to reach them..
:shock: i just went there and the first thing that they ask after my name is my email address. i backed out quietly :eyesmoke:
GE made billions in profits in 2010 but didn't pay any taxes on it because the head of GE donated millions to Obama's campaign.

quite possibly one of the stupidest insinuations i have seen.

i can show you a ton of corporations who made millions or billions, paid no taxes, and donated to the other guy's campaign.

i can show you a whole bunch more corporations who made millions or billions, donated to obama, and still had to pay taxes.

the question is, how many do i need to show you before you admit that you made a stupid statement, otherwise known as a blatant lie?
Enjoy being chipped

I'm looking FORWARD to it! Frankly that will save so many lives it's not even funny. Accurate medical records ON the person for their entire lifetime. Chips that we can access without a full dump and check recent memory for mechanism of action with Joules and Newtons attached to the force vectors! OH YES! Finally accurate non-guessing trauma care.

Of course there is a downside to any powerful technology. But I can tell you if people were properly sensored I would not be sitting here upset at being a mere cardiac cripple instead of the neuro gork I was guaran-damn-teed to be.

PS the idiots today think that medical device registration is chipping..... no it's so the ninja surgical teams know where to deploy when your insulin pump joins the toaster rebellion, cretins.
I'm looking FORWARD to it! Frankly that will save so many lives it's not even funny. Accurate medical records ON the person for their entire lifetime. Chips that we can access without a full dump and check recent memory for mechanism of action with Joules and Newtons attached to the force vectors! OH YES! Finally accurate non-guessing trauma care.

Of course there is a downside to any powerful technology. But I can tell you if people were properly sensored I would not be sitting here upset at being a mere cardiac cripple instead of the neuro gork I was guaran-damn-teed to be.

PS the idiots today think that medical device registration is chipping..... no it's so the ninja surgical teams know where to deploy when your insulin pump joins the toaster rebellion, cretins.


GPS tracking, blood toxicology, heart rate and stress level monitoring. Yeah, chips would be great.

Makes me think of the movie "Imposter" from 2001.
the only report we have in the politics section came from "nitro harley", a member who is very right wing and calls obama a "lying POS" any chance he can, as if he were surprised that politicians lie.

his premium went from $580 a month down to $493 under obamacare, a savings of $1044 a year. his wife is on medicaid.

did i mention that he fucking hates government still?


I told you my wife is on medicare not medicaid...She is almost 70 and we don't qualify for welfare...just so you know..for the record.. I agree Buck, they all lie but BarryO is the KING of liars for the history books...
With the government/corporations having access to your medical records and the advancement in facial recognition technology on city streets, I wonder how long it'll be till you walk by a billboard showing you a personalized RX commercial?
With the government/corporations having access to your medical records and the advancement in facial recognition technology on city streets, I wonder how long it'll be till you walk by a billboard showing you a personalized RX commercial?

Not long, I would guess! Targeted ads are a dream come true for producers.

GPS tracking, blood toxicology, heart rate and stress level monitoring. Yeah, chips would be great.

Makes me think of the movie "Imposter" from 2001.
They don't need chips with the explosion of smartphones. GPS tech is used in conjuction with L.B.S., location based services. Based on how you use your phone adds can and are being tailored to the individual as they pass by. Great article on this in an 09 issue of Hakin9 magazine. You my friend are spot on
One day they'll implant the phone. No losing it, never out of touch, direct biometrics. Not like the current detached unit. Antenna tattoos for the bold
One day they'll implant the phone. No losing it, never out of touch, direct biometrics. Not like the current detached unit. Antenna tattoos for the bold
There are already implants for two way com molars. I read about it in forbes more than ten years ago, the cia was already on board. Internet connected contact lenses will be the future.