After 1st grow screw ups from bad LEDs the problem is fixed.


Active Member
After I had to put my first two indoor ladies outside cause the crap LED I bought from HTG went out twice. I said screw it, went out and got a California Lightworks 220 watt LED, I swear I can hear these girls singing and dancing. These are just 5 wks from germination. Can't FIM much more? Only have 2x2 bloom area but with this LED it's high bloom intensity. Anymore advise like always would be appreciated going to get this shit down yet. :DDSC00671.JPG



Active Member
Good and bushy looking plants so far! Quite small for their age, but healthy looking, and it may be that they are so bushy the height deficiency isn't a problem.

Be prepared the stretch - if space is an issue, and it sure looks like it is, you might want to start thinking of flipping to 12/12 soon if not immediately