After 48hrs of dark..Do you have to harvest?


Active Member
Hay guys, long time listener first time caller. Well i had gotten sick and couldent move my two that are flowering into the dark. so 48hrs later there back to the light. some of the plaint i think is ready, the lower stuff i would like to leave a bit longer. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
You don't have to leave in dark for 48hrs although I hear that you can squeeze out more THC resin, anyhow, I'd just harvest it all unless it's for sure not ready to harvest.


Active Member
While I do harvest plants before the light comes on in the morning, I do not give them extra dark periods or anything. They're good and tric covered in the mornings.


Active Member
and you think the top is ready but the bottom isn't? that usually isn't the case


Well-Known Member
you dont need 48, just 24 hrs before harvest of darkness, its quite simple really. Thc is destroyed by light, thats a big reason why it exists and the plant builds it back up to maximum possible levels since during that time their is no light to degrade the thc.
A staggered harvest is perfectly fine, if you want to harvest in layers go right ahead, alot of us do it. myself included. It gives the less developed buds the chance to get nice and fat and finish maturing since they are getting direct lighting now and the extra time for them to finish.