After 8 years of employment


Active Member
I just learned that me, along with everyone else is to be drug tested. I find this ridiculous and invasion of my privacy.

So, I have about 14 days or so before I am to be tested. Just needing some advice about how to pass this little urine test. Is there something that can be taken to clense my body of any traces of thc?

I'm only looking for people who have first hand experience, not someone who has heard that this works, or that works....

Also, I've got a nice sized beer gut, does the amount of fat on your body have anything to with getting cleansed?

Thanks to anyone that knows the truth!


Active Member
Stop smoking, Niacin tablets often found in Vitamin B, work-out a lot, drink lots of water(gallon/day), avoid alcohol and soft drinks, and use a cleansing drink found at most head shops. Use this on the morning of. Or you could use a synthetic wrapped in a hand warmer hidden in your underwear.

I believe it is a violation of your rights, as is all drug testing. Besides they are testing for a metabolite of THC called 11-carboxy-thc, the metabolite isn't illegal since it carries no psychoactive properties and is metabolized from THC. So they are testing for a substance that isn't illegal. I've heard of noone pressing the issue, but ultimately I beleive this has a chance to overturn alot of marijuana drug testing.


I've been exactly in the same position you are now. I was notified that I was going to be drug tested for a job on Wall st. 40 days prior. I stopped smoking the moment I heard. Unfortunately for my luck, I failed the test. it tested positive for marijuana (even though she told me it as low) the HR dept. didnt give a shit. After talking to the head executive and getting to meet the partners, they decided to give me another chance at this one week later. The thing is, after taking the test (thinking i passed) i smoked the day of. giving me no chance whatsoever to pass it legally. Heres what I did;

QuickFix 5.7 saved my life. I used the instruction, headed the synthetic urine the morning of the scheduled test. got in, poured it in the container with 98 degrees sharp, and I didnt get a call after that. I passed it with ease. You might hesitate, you might re-consider. But I am telling you right now, as long as you heat it right, hide it in your pockets or crotch. and get the temperature right with the heatpad. you are good to go.

Do some research on it, it has an updated formula and works like a charm.

Good luck!

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Stop smoking now1 THC (well not THC, but lets say it is) binds to fat in your body. the only way to get it out is to flush your system. cranberry juice, water, treadmill...repeat, buy a test from rite aid to make sure.


New Member
I've been exactly in the same position you are now. I was notified that I was going to be drug tested for a job on Wall st. 40 days prior. I stopped smoking the moment I heard. Unfortunately for my luck, I failed the test. it tested positive for marijuana (even though she told me it as low) the HR dept. didnt give a shit. After talking to the head executive and getting to meet the partners, they decided to give me another chance at this one week later. The thing is, after taking the test (thinking i passed) i smoked the day of. giving me no chance whatsoever to pass it legally. Heres what I did;

QuickFix 5.7 saved my life. I used the instruction, headed the synthetic urine the morning of the scheduled test. got in, poured it in the container with 98 degrees sharp, and I didnt get a call after that. I passed it with ease. You might hesitate, you might re-consider. But I am telling you right now, as long as you heat it right, hide it in your pockets or crotch. and get the temperature right with the heatpad. you are good to go.

Do some research on it, it has an updated formula and works like a charm.

Good luck!
Totally agree. I've used it many times with success.


Well-Known Member
Beware some places actually look for a masking agents. Yes they can be detected... I know you want first hand experience but look in to synthetic piss, also found at your local head shop. Wraps around your waste and warms it to the correct temp.

Dr. Bigbud

Well-Known Member
What you need is synthetic piss. Order something called quick fix 5.7 and subbstitute your piss for whats in this bottle. It worked for me and it will work for you. In the package is a little bottle and a mini heat pack. When you go take the test break the heat pack and allow 10-15 min for it to heat up, microwave the little bottle for like 10 sec to get it to 100 degrees then attach the pack to the bottle with a rubber band and put it in between your sac and yoru thigh in some boxer briefs. walk into the testing center and they will ask you to empty your pockets and they will place blue ink in the toilet so you cant dilute your piss and put tape on the sink so you cant use it. close the door behind you and squeeze the contents into the cup and it will foam like real piss. Take your time and check the cup they gave you for a temp strip, it should read at least 96. Exit and hand over "your" piss and rejoice that you have passed your drug test.

In all honesty I feel that there is nothing your can do to eliminate THC metabolites unless you dilute them to undetectable levels. I dont trust my own piss or the cleanser drinks but I trust quick fix 5.7. Do the right thing, be a man, and use quick fix.