After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

Treeman, S'manta...make yourselves some fresh ginger, lemon, and Thyme hot tea. Ginger will help with the stomache and other pain and Thyme has powerful antiseptic properties as well as relief from stomach pain and greatly helps bronchial issues. Use 1 tsp thyme leaves to 1 cup boiling water. A couple slices of fresh ginger per cup water too.
Treeman, S'manta...make yourselves some fresh ginger, lemon, and Thyme hot tea. Ginger will help with the stomache and other pain and Thyme has powerful antiseptic properties as well as relief from stomach pain and greatly helps bronchial issues. Use 1 tsp thyme leaves to 1 cup boiling water. A couple slices of fresh ginger per cup water too.

It is amazing that the 24 hour flu lasted 27 hours and I feel better, not 100% but 72%.
Fumble, I have fresh ginger, frozen, but no thyme leaves. I did take a few slices of ginger and made tea, so glad you reminded me. I think it helped.
Treeman, S'manta...make yourselves some fresh ginger, lemon, and Thyme hot tea. Ginger will help with the stomache and other pain and Thyme has powerful antiseptic properties as well as relief from stomach pain and greatly helps bronchial issues. Use 1 tsp thyme leaves to 1 cup boiling water. A couple slices of fresh ginger per cup water too.
Thank you Fumble, everything you make/suggest makes me feel better (that sounded kind of creepy) you must have been some kind of "witch doctor" in a past life.
Thanks for the help.