After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

nuggs said:
I had another bad year Brother. I had russet mites this year. Another lesson learned. A hard one for sure , I never even knew what it was until this year. I got beat the f--- up. I'm not mad and still was able to control them enough to get a harvest. I'm thinking of running a thread this next year on prevention. I for sure know a bunch that others that never dealt with it know. I did so much research last year I could write a book.
Ive heard about russet mites. They're no joke. At least youre ready for next year to kick their ass if you get them again and you still got a harvest off.
I had another bad year Brother. I had russet mites this year. Another lesson learned. A hard one for sure , I never even knew what it was until this year. I got beat the f--- up. I'm not mad and still was able to control them enough to get a harvest. I'm thinking of running a thread this next year on prevention. I for sure know a bunch that others that never dealt with it know. I did so much research this year I could write a book.

I hate learning stuff I wish I never had to learn, like stage iv melanoma.
Prognosis. . . bleak.
Ive heard about russet mites. They're no joke. At least youre ready for next year to kick their ass if you get them again and you still got a harvest off.
Yes Sir ! I thought I had thrip. So I treated it as thrip and it didn't stop it. by the time TWS mentioned Russet I was on it but was so infested I had to chop 2 an a half 15fters to stop it.
It will be fine everyone has respect at our smoke outs . Just putting it out there so everyone knows. this year we'll have a bathroom and the ladies will love that.If all works out we can have it for years to come. the owner seems to be a nice guy. the unit is a 2013 model! styling for sure.
bongpuller said they were really easy to deal with & they got all the deposit back last year.
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Nuggs, one of the tricks to keep the RV clean is astroturf, or some kind or ground cover/outside carpet, to put in front of the door. It really helps keep dirt out of the trailer. I'll look around to see if I have any.
What time will you be there Friday Nuggs?...I wont set up the roaster until we spot your trailer. I think we had the roaster in the best spot for the trailer. Plenty of other spots for the roaster.
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Nuggs, one of the tricks to keep the RV clean is astroturf, or some kind or ground cover/outside carpet, to put in front of the door. It really helps keep dirt out of the trailer. I'll look around to see if I have any.
What time will you be there Friday Nuggs?...I wont set up the roaster until we spot your trailer. I think we had the roaster in the best spot for the trailer. Plenty of other spots for the roaster.
I was thinking the same thing. A large piece of carpet would be great. I don't mine pitching in you know that. are you going to stay with us in the trailer?
I was thinking the same thing. A large piece of carpet would be great. I don't mine pitching in you know that. are you going to stay with us in the trailer?
i doubt it, but I'll bring a sleeping bag just in case
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