After life


Just courious to hear some of your guys answers as too what you all think the after life is going to be like.

Personally I believe in A god. I'm not sure which one but there has to be a god of some kind up there. There's no way this just happened. Life's too beautiful too just be a mistake.

So let's hear what you think life after death would be like.


Well-Known Member
I wont be sitting around the house smoking and growing weed all day...thats for sure.

If I could leave my physical body, I'd want to travel to every corner of the universe. I can't imagine a more free spirit than that.


Well-Known Member
Lol its a conspiracy!

I have no clue what's going to happen. I like the idea of being a free spirit traveling the galaxies. That sound's amazing


Active Member
i dont think a persons energy just expires but i have no indisputable evidence of what happens either. i think reincarnation is a cool concept. just the idea that an individuals energy, soul, spirit, whatever gets opportunities to improve on previous attempts at "living" makes sense (to me anyway) and seems fair. but again i have nothing to confirm or negate the possibility. all i do know is that the whole concept of "forever" doing anything is kinda freaky to me. i can even say trying to imagine "forever" has a possibility of making a person crazy. id rather go through a series of re-dos or just embrace the finality of a dirt nap. peace

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I will be with all the people I have loved and lost, I wont hurt or worry about things anymore and please god I won't be so tired. Life will be a breeze in more ways than one.:clap:

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Who knows? I can tell you right off the bat though... anyone who says they know is straight up lying to you, and to themselves.

Maybe there is an afterlife, maybe there isn't. Nobody knows.


I'm a militant atheist, so I focus on enjoying the time I have, and I keep in mind how insignificant I am.

Believe or not, just be a good person. :hug:


Well-Known Member
Who knows? I can tell you right off the bat though... anyone who says they know is straight up lying to you, and to themselves.

Maybe there is an afterlife, maybe there isn't. Nobody knows.
Absence of proof is no proof of absence indeed. Same goes for God(s). HOWEVER, as per your sig:

"Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy."
- Carl Sagan

Realize that this glimpse is your one chance at life and live it to the max.

After life is only death, after death is nothing. Death is a decease, one that cannot be cured yet because of people want to believe so hard in that dream they force it upon others and hold mankind back so far that I hope for all of you that there is an afterlife.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Personally, i don't think there is an afterlife. Yet, to rule out any possibility would be arrogant in my opinion. For all we know this could be a dream or a simulation...

Either way, i agree with Sagan on this note too;

"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

To say you are certain that there is no afterlife, is the same as saying you are certain god exists. Both are lies, because both hold the possibility of being wrong.


Well-Known Member
I agree ruling out is arrogant. Downright dumb imo for the simple reason you cannot know. My point was that there's a huge grey area between rulling out and wishfully-assuming. I cannot rule it out 'with certainty' but I can still trust my brain (logic, science) enough to consider it highly unlikely. People do the same thing all day every day in science, Carl Sagan took it to a whole 'nother level.

And yes, another great quote from a wise man, that pretty much comes down to the same thing. "as it really is" can be substituted by "as we know it really is". Since we don't know all yet, we have to fill in blanks often by excluding the unlikely possibilities first, and not by "believing" (or better "wanting to believe).


Well-Known Member
My Dad died a couple times from a car wreck said he saw his Mom. She gave him soup cause he was cold and she told him it wasn't his time.
He told her he wasn't afraid of dieing just the possible pain that might be involved.
He died in his sleep 23 years later..

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
My Dad died a couple times from a car wreck said he saw his Mom. She gave him soup cause he was cold and she told him it wasn't his time.
He told her he wasn't afraid of dieing just the possible pain that might be involved.
He died in his sleep 23 years later..
A similar thing happened when my granny died, the day she died she told my auntie that my mum had been their (my mum died before her) later that day she died in her sleep. Its like your loved ones come back to get you, that's what I want to believe anyway.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Its probably too far beyond our human senses to even try and describe what the afterlife is going to be like. I dont think theres gunna be one god, or any being, that has power over another, not even the Creator.


Who knows? I can tell you right off the bat though... anyone who says they know is straight up lying to you, and to themselves.

Maybe there is an afterlife, maybe there isn't. Nobody knows.

i was just asking what you guys thought, i kno its not possible to know for sure lol


Well-Known Member
The universe is a manifestation of my conciousness. When I die and no longer percieve it, it will cease to exist. Sorry to break the news but someone had to tell you.