After life


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in a life after death, logically it just doesn't make sense, nor is there any evidence or even a reason for one to exist. I've basically accepted that once the neurons die your consciousness and thereby you, forever dissipates. That may seem kind of bleak for most, but I kind of see it as an irony of my consciousness vs an unconscious yet all determinate universe. I have to give a tip of my hat to it, since it will exist after I'm gone, and every molecule in ever cell that makes me who I am will eventually dissipate and rejoin the melting pot, and the cycle will repeat.


Well-Known Member
If you're happy then life is beautiful, if not then life is shit. Everyone is gunna have a different answer to that question and that answer will be right for them. It kinda looks like you think your view on life should be the only acceptable explanation, you gotta understand that your view on life is your view and no one elses.
My god you're stupid. If you don't understand what I wrote, please don't bother responding.
I can say that I'm certain there is no afterlife and be pretty confident in that statement. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence yatta yatta blah blah" sure that's true, but a warm, fuzzy feeling about something or the fact that I want to believe in something does not make it accurate. There is A LOT of things that there is no evidence for, and I find them all equally plausible and it's so damn near none that it's not worth to mention.

When I die, my consciousness stop existing. It will be the exact same as it was before I was born - nothing. It will be like when I sleep and don't remember any of my dreams, only I won't wake up. Honestly, just thinking about it makes me terrified. I don't ever want to not be able to form thoughts and feelings. I will be remembered by maybe two or three generations, then I will be forgotten
Everything I define as myself is in this 1-2kg mass of organic material and the electrical currents that swirl around in it. When that dies, I'm gone. Simple as that.

My mind is a dark place, I could use a good toke, hahah.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I agree with you Hex, yet we could both be wrong. When we die we might wake up to find out this was all just a computer simulation that we purchased from a simulation company and it's actually the year 3750. Though in reality the simulation only lasts an hour or so, but within this simulation it makes it seem like 60-70 years go by until we wake up.


No, i don't think that is what is going to happen... but it is a possibility, among an infinite number of ideas and possibilities that we could conjure up, because none of us really know.

Like i said, we COULD... all be wrong about what we think this is, or if nothing, or something happens when we die... regardless of how certain we feel about it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Hex, yet we could both be wrong. When we die we might wake up to find out this was all just a computer simulation that we purchased from a simulation company and it's actually the year 3750. Though in reality the simulation only lasts an hour or so, but within this simulation it makes it seem like 60-70 years go by until we wake up.


No, i don't think that is what is going to happen... but it is a possibility, among an infinite number of ideas and possibilities that we could conjure up, because none of us really know.

Like i said, we COULD... all be wrong about what we think this is, or if nothing, or something happens when we die... regardless of how certain we feel about it.
You just blew my mind saying that, because I've had that same exact thought. To the T. Like some alien computer simulation, or you wake up and find this was a lower form of consciousness.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
My god you're stupid. If you don't understand what I wrote, please don't bother responding.
Lol I understand what you wrote, he didnt quite answer your question but at the same time he kinda did. For him, a lot of the beauty in the world comes from the people in it. Even though theres just as many nasty people in the world, he choses to pay attention the bright side and rightfully so. I dont think it was him not thinking about the meaning of your words, I think it was you trying to take the opportunity to appear mentally superior to us dreamers by trying to spread your cynical view of realism. You acted like he gave you the wrong answer to your question, which is ridiculous because there is no wrong answer to that question. Now please, play nice :mrgreen:

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Oops, he was talking about the assholes and not the beautiful people lol nevermind. Even so, he still answered your question with more detail than your opinion about life. You shouldnt need to dissect his words to understand where hes coming from and the same goes for your words, life is indeed harsh and cruel and theres many examples to back that up, but life is also beautiful and amazing and theres many answers to back that up as well.


Well-Known Member
I think about how silly it seems to imagine a heaven for dogs, and a heaven for frogs, and a heaven for dolphins, and then I take that exact same sentiment and apply it to humans.

Do you seriously think there's a place outside of 'existence' where all the select people from one specific, species go? Come on guys... really?


Well-Known Member
Lol I understand what you wrote, he didnt quite answer your question but at the same time he kinda did. For him, a lot of the beauty in the world comes from the people in it. Even though theres just as many nasty people in the world, he choses to pay attention the bright side and rightfully so. I dont think it was him not thinking about the meaning of your words, I think it was you trying to take the opportunity to appear mentally superior to us dreamers by trying to spread your cynical view of realism. You acted like he gave you the wrong answer to your question, which is ridiculous because there is no wrong answer to that question. Now please, play nice :mrgreen:
Oops, he was talking about the assholes and not the beautiful people lol nevermind. Even so, he still answered your question with more detail than your opinion about life. You shouldnt need to dissect his words to understand where hes coming from and the same goes for your words, life is indeed harsh and cruel and theres many examples to back that up, but life is also beautiful and amazing and theres many answers to back that up as well.
No you obviously don't understand. He did not answer and define his terms and neither did you. Trying to redefine facts as mere opinion just continues to demonstrate your stupidity and lack of understanding of the actual meaning of words.
Continuing to spout platitudes about life being beautiful while never explaining how one can objectively define or measure beauty just proves that these are mere subjective, hackneyed comments.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
No you obviously don't understand. He did not answer and define his terms and neither did you. Trying to redefine facts as mere opinion just continues to demonstrate your stupidity and lack of understanding of the actual meaning of words.
Continuing to spout platitudes about life being beautiful while never explaining how one can objectively define or measure beauty just proves that these are mere subjective, hackneyed comments.
It is subjective, thats what Im saying. You said life is harsh and cruel and he said life is amazing and filled with beautiful sights and life is what you make it, that its you who brings the beauty out of it. How is your answer of life being harsh and cruel better than his answer of life being amazing and beautiful? You're acting like his answer is wrong, which is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
It is subjective, thats what Im saying. You said life is harsh and cruel and he said life is amazing and filled with beautiful sights and life is what you make it, that its you who brings the beauty out of it. How is your answer of life being harsh and cruel better than his answer of life being amazing and beautiful? You're acting like his answer is wrong, which is ridiculous.
My answer is not 'better' although it is objective and factual. I am not trying to make any existential claims based on my observation about life. Your inability to understand the rules of logic and evidence is why you are now just spouting nonsense in order to 'win.' If I said that life is cruel and harsh THEREFORE it shows that the FSM is the creator and the afterlife consists of a never-ending pasta buffet, THEN maybe you would have some kind of point. But I didn't, so you don't.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
My answer is not 'better' although it is objective and factual. I am not trying to make any existential claims based on my observation about life. Your inability to understand the rules of logic and evidence is why you are now just spouting nonsense in order to 'win.' If I said that life is cruel and harsh THEREFORE it shows that the FSM is the creator and the afterlife consists of a never-ending pasta buffet, THEN maybe you would have some kind of point. But I didn't, so you don't.
Your answer isnt objective though, there cant be an objective answer to that question. Do wars, genocides, and extinctions of many species make life cruel and harsh for everybody? Must we dwell on that fact or make up our own answer as to why life is fucking awesome? because it is fucking awesome! I agree that there is and always was more bad than good in the world but the good sends a more powerful message. Your answer of life being harsh and cruel is by no means objective.
Also, Im not trying to win anything, just trying to get you to relate to someone of a different mindset rather than having to cause conflict and be right all the time. You must be a hit at parties lol.


Well-Known Member
Your answer isnt objective though, there cant be an objective answer to that question. Do wars, genocides, and extinctions of many species make life cruel and harsh for everybody? Must we dwell on that fact or make up our own answer as to why life is fucking awesome? because it is fucking awesome! I agree that there is and always was more bad than good in the world but the good sends a more powerful message. Your answer of life being harsh and cruel is by no means objective.
Also, Im not trying to win anything, just trying to get you to relate to someone of a different mindset rather than having to cause conflict and be right all the time. You must be a hit at parties lol.
You keep calling my comment and observations an answer. Answer to what? I have explained, as it is quite easy, why life is harsh. Life is a struggle for survival, it is brutal where the strong prey on the weak. These are objective facts and not answering any question. Yes, objective, look up the word. Tell me exactly how it is not an objective observation?

I can see beauty too, but that is a subjective quality that the facts of brutality and death do not eliminate. The OP made a claim and used the idea that life is beautiful as a premise to support his claim while avoiding actually defining beauty and explaining how life is beautiful. I then asked questions for clarification while providing a counter-example to his premise, which for most people that understand logic, realize that it invalidates his premise. You, OTOH, are trying to 'win' by trying to prove me wrong in some way, when in fact I have yet to make any actual claim about anything. There is no relating to people like you that can't understand the basic rules of logic and formation of reasoned arguments.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
You keep calling my comment and observations an answer. Answer to what? I have explained, as it is quite easy, why life is harsh. Life is a struggle for survival, it is brutal where the strong prey on the weak. These are objective facts and not answering any question. Yes, objective, look up the word. Tell me exactly how it is not an objective observation?

I can see beauty too, but that is a subjective quality that the facts of brutality and death do not eliminate. The OP made a claim and used the idea that life is beautiful as a premise to support his claim while avoiding actually defining beauty and explaining how life is beautiful. I then asked questions for clarification while providing a counter-example to his premise, which for most people that understand logic, realize that it invalidates his premise. You, OTOH, are trying to 'win' by trying to prove me wrong in some way, when in fact I have yet to make any actual claim about anything. There is no relating to people like you that can't understand the basic rules of logic and formation of reasoned arguments.
Its objective because its the reality of ALL life, but when people are asked to define life, most will assume you are talking about humanity and how we view the world around us (subjective). So for a biologist like yourself then yeah, I guess that is an objective answer since you look at all forms of life and how they behave. But when asked, most people will assume you are talking about humanity and how we view our struggles and our accomplishments, the good times and the bad, the amazing and beautiful things in the world, and you acted like he was going off topic when he brought up humanity. Though he may have strayed away a little from the point of your question, it shouldnt of been hard to see where hes coming from. Natural selection doesnt really come to mind when people are asked to define life.


Well-Known Member
Its objective because its the reality of ALL life, but when people are asked to define life, most will assume you are talking about humanity and how we view the world around us (subjective). So for a biologist like yourself then yeah, I guess that is an objective answer since you look at all forms of life and how they behave. But when asked, most people will assume you are talking about humanity and how we view our struggles and our accomplishments, the good times and the bad, the amazing and beautiful things in the world, and you acted like he was going off topic when he brought up humanity. Though he may have strayed away a little from the point of your question, it shouldnt of been hard to see where hes coming from. Natural selection doesnt really come to mind when people are asked to define life.
I see, I assumed he was talking about life but in reality he was talking about humanity and not life in general and you know this because he was oh, so clear in his comments.... oh wait.

I acted like he was going off topic by asking questions that he clarifies and defines the terms he uses? Seeing where someone is coming from doesn't excuse using platitudes and generalities to support a claim that should requires some actual thought and possibly even evidence. He has yet to come here and define terms and actually explain how he arrived at the conclusion he did yet you come here and defend him while simultaneously attacking me for being to critical for expecting cogent responses. It's not like I can't understand the appeal of the things you are both trying to say, but it is disingenuous to pretend that either of you have actually provided anything of substance.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I think refusing to think about an idea is cowardly... and committing yourself to an idea with certainty is even more so filled with fear and anxiety.

It is ok to say... I Don't Know.