After Nute burn Recovery advice needed please !?


Active Member
Alright i had Nute burn issues and i have flushed out my plants im running

5x The church fem in coco medium,

The plants are statring their 5th week of 12/12 come tuesday !!

I was currently running this nutrient schedule: The below is mixed with 2 litres of water and then PH'd to between 5.8 - 6.2

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This is my new chart ive just quickly come up with, dropped a couple of amounts and was wondering if you guys think it will be alright? Any suggestions or changes you think i should make PLEASE let me know!!



Well-Known Member
Have you grown with these nutes before? I don't like coco it's like asking for trouble with it dry out ph issues I try to start some in it and didn't get farer than that and the base nutes are only 10 ml this reminds me like fox farm's tiger bloom and it trash nutes I've switched to advance nutes with ffof for the first time and having the best looking grow I ever had. This is what I fed my plants 16 ml sensi bloom a & b 8 ml big bud and 8 ml voodoo juice this is the hobbyist level on the chart below then today after feeding yesterday one plant has burnt tips but nothing to worry about like a lockout where the leaves go into a claw droop really bad is this what you had what I'm going by this advance nutes chart and by the bottle of BB & VJ but I double check my ppms and go by the ppms for what week I'm in the grow, advance chart goes full dose for weeks 1 & 2 and I'll cut it back here's the chart I use it to get a general idea of what I want do I go by the ph perfect chart but if you like click on the non-perfect chart you'll see it, here's my babies the leaves are stiffer than my dick in the morning:)
I think I've found out what works for me ffof and advance nutes I've tried for 3 year with ffof and fox farm's nute and nothing but trouble~

Picture 1111.jpgPicture 1110.jpgPicture 1109.jpg


Active Member
i use fox farms i think its great but will burn if u use full dose i alays take a 1/4 out


Well-Known Member
I throwing my ff nutes away but still like the ffof I used to burn my too when I use the fox farm nutes you know on the weeks you give tiger bloom and grow big i always burnt it~


Active Member
Nope i have never grown with these before as it is only my second run. I used hesi starter pack the first time round and that was a disaster. Can anyone tell me whether the new feed chart i come up with will burn my plants? Looking for some advise on what to change on the chart