After Spraying Alcohol/Water for Spider Mites.....

I have used the alcohol/ water mix during veg. With great success. I read several places use a 60/40 mix. Not only online, but in my grow books(for weed)as well. I used 50/50. No problems at all. I wouldnt during flower. Then I dont think there is anything I would use during flower. After the first couple weeks anyway. Ive smoked too much shit that taste like a bar of Dial to do that. Some of those soaps and things for bugs is what Im guessing it is. I dont know, but some of it is called "soap", and that weed taste just like soap. So, you know. Lol Im not riskng that. Id rather smoke fucking Raid. Lol Vaccuum them, hose them off, spray under the leaves a couple times a day(They like a dry stagnant area). Spinosad works too. The problem is our plants have little tiny hairs that protect the mites from the poison. You about have to dip them, or get a bucket full and wipe it on your leaves manually instead of spraying. You need to use one method, then go back in a few days and use a different one, few more and go back to the first one. Then wait and see. This is just stuff I have read in books and online, and what worked for me the couple times I had them.
i've been here for a LONG time and i allways say the SAME thing. NEEM OIL. NOT fucking alcohol. i have heard some bad things on this forum but this is horrible.....

its NEEM OIL and its 20/80 oil water.

teh only other option is:
agreed, I use neem with a little dawn dish soap, works every time
I am having a spider mite problem at this time (roughly 4 weeks in flower). I am going to try an alcohol:water solution of 1:5 and spray (drench) everything every 3 days for 2 weeks. I'll update every day after a spray.
I am having a spider mite problem at this time (roughly 4 weeks in flower). I am going to try an alcohol:water solution of 1:5 and spray (drench) everything every 3 days for 2 weeks. I'll update every day after a spray.

I would be careful with the roots. Supposedly alcohol is bad for the roots. I would spray the soil with Dawn and water or 10% skim milk and 90% water before I would use ISO.
Hello, I have looked online for about an hour and connot find anything like this so I turn to my fellow growers for input. This is my first grow. My plants are outdoors. I am about 4-5 weeks into flower. Everything has looked pretty good so far. Yesterday I noticed some Two spotted spider mites moving in so today I sprayed with alcohol/water. A few hours later, while admiring my girls, I noticed a few of these leaves on the end plant. They were curled up good. I flattened them out a bit for a better look at the leaf and under light noticed the lovely new coloring to boot. WTH?
So what happen this as I'm in the middle of doin it an see no problems with the bud , 6 weeks into bud an 1 week using water an alcohol.
I've use ISO 50\50% mix on flowers with good results.Water good before you spray...You must spay the whole plant underside of the leaves and the pot it's growing in top of soil. Never spay with lights on. Do the whole room lights and all..Them little fuckers are masters at hiding....

If you have mites in the flower room chances are they have hitched a ride to your veg room...I suggest switching it up every three days with Neem and some Dawn. Three days later I do a SM90 treatment then ISO 50\50% with water. Do this treatment for at least 4 weeks. Keep your room as clean as possible preventive spaying is a good idea...
I've use ISO 50\50% mix on flowers with good results.Water good before you spray...You must spay the whole plant underside of the leaves and the pot it's growing in top of soil. Never spay with lights on. Do the whole room lights and all..Them little fuckers are masters at hiding....

If you have mites in the flower room chances are they have hitched a ride to your veg room...I suggest switching it up every three days with Neem and some Dawn. Three days later I do a SM90 treatment then ISO 50\50% with water. Do this treatment for at least 4 weeks. Keep your room as clean as possible preventive spaying is a good idea...
I have 3 600w in room an big closet top an bottom shelfs for clones so... lol but Im doin it an things seem ok as for buds but I'm fighting them an seem to be doin ok .. one thing I did was clip a 6 or 7 g bud an soaked it with 50/50 an lookin at trichomes before and after , all good .. so I now know for sure it won't hurt
I'm all so goin to try soap an water as my uncle said it don't kill fast but the soap gums them up an then they die , it's a safe play so I'm goin to do it next to see
I've use ISO 50\50% mix on flowers with good results.Water good before you spray...You must spay the whole plant underside of the leaves and the pot it's growing in top of soil. Never spay with lights on. Do the whole room lights and all..Them little fuckers are masters at hiding....

If you have mites in the flower room chances are they have hitched a ride to your veg room...I suggest switching it up every three days with Neem and some Dawn. Three days later I do a SM90 treatment then ISO 50\50% with water. Do this treatment for at least 4 weeks. Keep your room as clean as possible preventive spaying is a good idea...
Awe yes the change up .. I'm thinking it's a must try an do ... I forgot about that for a min . Thanks
just now trying 60 pc moonshine on my seedcrop. under microscope its stopping the mites but are they dead or drunk? will find out in the morning.
lights are on so alcohol should evaporate before it can adsorb into leaves. trichomes seem unaffected. they do have a good shell. i used about 5 grams moonshine on 2 plants that nearly finished seeding. the spray was a very small perfume type bottle with very fine mist that i bought in bulk for silver thio.
will update on progress.
GODDAMNIT!!!! I read on a dozen websites, including this one, to use a mix of isopropyl rubbing alcohol and water (50/50) to kill spider mites. Everyone said it doesn't hurt the buds. "Spray up, down, all around" was the general consensus. I did try to avoid the buds and tops of the leaves. What I showed in my OP is only affecting less than 10 leaves, out of hundreds.

Quit playin......
I’m not sure, but possibly what you found was an approach to sanitizing surfaces, rather than living plants?
completely fine for veg, just not during flower as alcohol breaks down thc. funny that the some of the 1st responses are totally against foliar spraying with alcohol. most miticides have alcohol in them. I wonder what the earlier thoughts are now in current time.