AG Barr: "There was spying on the trump campaign." Who is going to take the fall? Not Obama

The investigation was started because of Clinton campaign "research" that was totally falsified in order to get a fisa warrant to spy on the campaign. The Steele dossier, they call it. Total bs, even Steele doesn't stand by it. It is funny, I agree. BS investigations for two years with mainstream news slathering after every "bombshell". Time for the big trump counterpunch.
Name one thing in the Steele dossier that was falsified then
You obviously can't handle the truth! :lol:

Look, you say that you are 29, so you've voted in 2 presidential elections. Why would anyone pay any attention to what you think? Unless you're not really 29, and actually a shill.

You are paying attention at this moment. You tell me.

I pay attention to the things that interest me.
You obviously can't handle the truth! :lol:

Look, you say that you are 29, so you've voted in 2 presidential elections. Why would anyone pay any attention to what you think? Unless you're not really 29, and actually a shill.

Also, I voted in 3 presidential elections.
2008 Obama
2012 Ron Paul
2016 Donald Trump
You obviously can't handle the truth! :lol:

Look, you say that you are 29, so you've voted in 2 presidential elections. Why would anyone pay any attention to what you think? Unless you're not really 29, and actually a shill.

I have also been elected as a delegate to the State convention during the 2012 Republican primary. I put a gang of libertarians together and we took over our local Republican party.

But you're right I probably don't know anything.
Marxism is a made up philosophy. Democrats distorted it to sell a strange and unworkable economic theory to idiots like you.
So? The only people who talk about Marxism are right wingers. I agree Marxism is a made up and unworkable philosophy as is Libertarian-ism. Social programs aren't communism, Marxism or any other variant of that philosophy.

Social policies where the government takes tax revenue and uses it to benefit society, whether in the form of infrastructure projects, defense or feeding people predates Marx by thousands of years. Every government has done that since there has been government. I'm embarrassed for you that I had to point that out.

Yet your loony tunes Libertarianism expects an unseen and unproven "market force" to correct everything. It's a baseless theory that is fed to idiots like you by Republican elites. Oh and Rand Paul was racist as all hell.