Ag first grow. help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
well if you bought the seed that your currently growing i would keep it i guess, but if its just bag seed might as well start over now that you have everything you need, and the knowledge, took me a couple times before i got my first successful harvest


Active Member
also im still not 100 percent sure what im doing wrong. i mean if it was nute burn, i really didn't put much in there. i used the exact numbers from GH feeding chart. And for the PH im pretty sure ive been close i mean i get the color a light shade of yellow and yellow is 6.0 on the chart.


Well-Known Member
im just saying it would be a whole lot easier to stat over, you got everything down but again, if you bought the seed then grow it out


Well-Known Member
not trying to freak you out haha i would just rather you have a easier time and have a better harvest


Active Member
i have another 19 seeds so its really not that big of a deal. i just bought a digital ph test. it was only like 30 bucks. that should help. also should i try for more than 1 this time. if i do try for more than one, what if ones a male and the other is female, are the both ruined??


Well-Known Member
I would go two, each on its own is, maybe transplant that into soil or something and sticc it out side, or murder it haha

but again, now you can start over with all the supplies ready to go, last time i bought as i grew and it was a bitch, then my second go around i knew what to do and had all my supplies and it was so much easier


Active Member
yea thats kind of how it was this time. im starting to germante my seed now. some new leaves came in on my first grow. so ill see where the plant is once the new one is ready to go.

i heard from someone that if the plant is male it will pollinate and make the females seed up.


Well-Known Member
yea its stressed to hell, would probably go male, most the time if you take care of em, they will go female


Well-Known Member
Normally, I would be pro-life. In this occasion, I would say I would abort that girl. You'll have a much happier ending with a plant that is healthy through it's entire life.


Well-Known Member
pro life is against abortion isnt it? haha but yea i know it hurts but after you crush the plant you kinda move on and feel better, i have killed many plants, on accident and shit just not going good


Active Member
alright ill coat hanger that bitch. haha. got two new seeds germinating now. one is white widdow and the other is white rhino. hopein for the best


Well-Known Member
say guys very informative post and feed back ive been reading your whole set up here and i sort of had the same thing going on with my plant leaves turning on me with no warning rottwiler gave me a lead to check out and sure enough i found the problem for one my ph was way off over 8 and my reader cheep shit kept telling me 7 lol so i got another and straitend that out and then came to find out my plant was nitrogen defitient found another sight and told to shift around soil mixure and then added some nitrogen rich soil grow nutes and walla after no more than two or three days the babies are back and thriving like never before so like sicc and the guys say you never trully know this is my first grow as well and i got lucky this time i hope you do better with your next grow ...peace pot prosparity...