AG - Round 2

Who is the COOLEST?

  • FoxCompany

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • PurpDaddy

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • SICC

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • Lurkmaster

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Katatawnic

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Has anybody taken a stroll through the 9/11 conspiracy threads?

If you haven't, you should. Well, unless your not in for any laughs. That argument is pathetic. Why spend hours upon hours of our short lives arguing on a MARIJUANA CULTIVATING forum?:wall:

I wanna congratulate each and every person that has managed to steer clear of that political bullshit.

iam wid u on that:clap: istay away from political bullshit!!!hahahh
Alright, so I finally decided to take a pic of the remaining two plants. They are filling out quite nicely. They have been flushing for one week yesterday.




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I've seen a couple a while back; followed an amusing sig quote link if I remember correctly. Quite a few laughs when in a very patient mood, but that CT shit often annoys the hell out of me. My older son is a CT (conspiracy theory) nut, and that's more than enough for my entertainment and frustration both. :roll: I mean, I do believe that there is a lot more corruption than we "little people" would like there to be, but everything a conspiracy?! C'mon! :lol:

However, I'm quite bored today, so I just might mosey over to that link you provided and have a few laughs at the expense of others' wild imaginations. :mrgreen:

Wish MY AG grow had turned out like that...:clap::clap:


Wish MY AG grow had turned out like that...:clap::clap:

If I recall, you were bound and determined to not have to raise the AG light hood.... perhaps that's why? ;)

Speaking of bound, have I ever mentioned that I am loving LST?! :clap: Talk about not raising lights (tallest site on my plants is 3" at 8 weeks, lol), yet getting tons of bud sites! I'm running out of spots to tuck leaves so that new shoots can get lots of light! :lol: Gypsy, if you find the time, I'd love for you to check out my thread and give me any input you'd have to offer. :D

Fox, your grow has been so awesomely awe-inspiring! :hump:
mine smelled really dank and then it went away and now its gettin dank again....
taste started gettin better at 1 week
head high was there right away but couch lock wasnt strong at all until today...wooohoo

mine smelled really dank and then it went away and now its gettin dank again....
taste started gettin better at 1 week
head high was there right away but couch lock wasnt strong at all until today...wooohoo

Yeah man, the head high is definitely kickin it hardcore! The taste is still kinda rough, but it's getting better. The smell is getting to the point where it smells like an herb you would use for cooking... wait a minute... :mrgreen:
by the way its lookin i would say that im going to plan to cure for atleast a month next time around and also im going to try not to rush the drying process i used fans and shit just cause i had to do it quik u no my situation...but i really think it affected the overall taste....thats what ive read and what im noticing now