AG Short Ryder...


Active Member

see its all good now they should flower tomorrow if not just rip them up lmao

yea just wait them out and they will do their thing


Well-Known Member
I am growing short rider too. 1 in an aerogarden and a couple in dirt. They are doing pretty good. Good luck with yours I will be watching.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 in an aerogarden 3 right now about 3 weeks along. I will be watching as well. I intend to move mine out into a filthyfletch aerotub that I built.


Active Member
I'm going to finish this grow in the AG...
No extra nutes/lights/pumps...

Next grow, I'm ordering the Stealth Hydroponics complete package for $189/$199...

The AG is an amazing little thing...
Grew the best basil I have ever had before I started growing the Short Rider...


Well-Known Member
do you have an independent timer for the lights? i understand not wanting to mod, but that is ESSENTIAL.. you need to have total control over your light cycle. 18/6 (24/0 or 20/4 your choice) and 12/12 for flower.. also leaving it on your counter won't do.. you need to have it in a light proof area. its sort of OK for veg to have her out in the open (i emphasize SORT OF, giving it a break is necessary if you're not running a 24 hour light cycle) but once they are into flower... EVEN IF you are doing an auto, she needs pitch black when the lights are off.. any light leaks during the dark cycle and she won't flower properly, she'll continue to veg and not bud.

with all that said.. you already knew that, right? :lol:



Well-Known Member
ok cool! sounds good! just making sure where you're at.

got any pics of your setup?

don't think i saw any.



Active Member
The taproots are all about 1/2 long now...

I have the lights set on 24 and am gonna leave it like that until the roots hit the water and they can drink on their own...
Then I'll pop 'em into 20/4...

Sound good?


Well-Known Member
Noob, I started out with the AG tabs and changed over to GH Maxigrow and they are doing much better. Just think about it, it's only like $15 for 2.2 pounds. The res on that machine is pretty small so watch the Ph as well. Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I am using the recipe for success and having nice results. I can't wait to see some pics. I have an old fridge too and I think it would make a sweet grow box heh.


i just use the normal "AG space saver 6" and i just popped my GodBud seed in yesterday, and it already germed!! and the paper towel method works twice as fast if you just put it in a ziplock bag!!!!! food for thought my man..hope everything is going above perfect!


Well-Known Member
I've had the best luck just germing right inside the AG under the little bio-dome thingy. The few I did do in a paper towel didn't have a good survival rate. Maybe I was a little brutal with em or something.


Active Member
They're each about 1 1/2 - 2 inches tall, and are about to start popping their 2nd set of leaves...
The first real pot leaf is already there...


Active Member
I'm gonna go ahead and pick up an Airstone tomorrow...
I've read too many good things about them to chance not getting 20%+ more on my yield...


Active Member
The airstone has been in there for about 7 hours now...
There has already been an explosion of new root growth and new roots popping out...

They're loving that damn thing...