Age of plant..Juicing MJ Leaves...


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I have bag full of fresh green leaves from 2 plants I am training. I had to cut off a lot of the growth. They are still in veg and 4-5 weeks old..
If I make a green smoothie with these young leaves is there much of a medical benefit? They have not had time to flower at all so I can't see much of a benefit besides chlorophyll.


Well-Known Member

Being leafy greens they are good for your health

though in a different way than if they also had trics on them

It does take a lot of leaf to make a little juice

A slow rpm juicer, like Omega 8300 is recommended


Well-Known Member
Sort of off topic but not really, I have recently read some very interesting things about amazing medical results from juicing fresh buds. Seems it allows you to consume HUGE amounts of cannabinoids in a non psycoactive form. Thus not rendering you retardedly high but offering the same medical benefits.


Well-Known Member
Most medicinal qualities come from receptor activation or indirect pathways in the brain. Cb receptors are but a small portion of..
Anyway, in the fresh material all the cannabinoids are in the more polar form. Cbda thca etc, none will cross the blood brain barrier unless decarbed.
So any effects will be minimal
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Well-Known Member
I don't know what to tell you man, I suggest looking into the research. They may not pass the barrier to get you high, but still offer healing benefits from being in your body in large quantities. I remember reading about a girl with MS, and one with epilepsy that smoked and used concentrates for years and it helped the symptoms, but that once they tried the raw juiced cannabis they had HUGE actual improvements, not just short term symptom treatment. There is alot we don't know about how the cannabinoids actually do the healing, and I don't think its all directly related to getting the high feeling.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying you need to get high.
Though receptor activation will do that. Pure cbd gets you high
Anyway I said my piece.
Though you do realize those conditions originate in the brain anyway?
To be clear, I'm not saying there aren't benefits, obviously there are receptors located throughout your body. But most medicinal benefits come from the brain, and again I don't just mean cb activation
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Well-Known Member
FYI I'm not saying your wrong, just offering a line of thought/research to the OP based on a little Iv'e read. Your very correct it could all be in their heads.


Well-Known Member
King - Most seriously ill patient are on regimes that involve mostly raw and only small amounts of active cannabis. In fact they instruct you to be careful with the juice and pills so they don't decarb on their own. Juice should be stored frozen(no more than 30 days) to prevent any decarboxylation.

It's best to juice fresh premature buds with the sugar and smaller fan leaves(Call this whole plant). Don't use the giant fan leaves, that is mostly plant matter and little medicine.

It is amazing for priming receptors as well as the benefits of the raw cannabionds. Thca is better at fighting cancer than thc for example.

It's also a good idea to mix it. I can't for the life of me think of what it is right now(I will find out later and let you know). But there is this powder mix. You take 1oz of cannabis juice mixed with the powder and almond milk or juice. Drink that every day and use coconut oil or food starch pills.