~Agent Orange Grow Show~


Well-Known Member
If anything man I'd give em a good flush and water with 1/2 or 3/4 strength nutrients once you see positive changes. All the leave like that or mainly lower ones? Water pH-ed?


Well-Known Member
If anything man I'd give em a good flush and water with 1/2 or 3/4 strength nutrients once you see positive changes. All the leave like that or mainly lower ones? Water pH-ed?
they are some low ones, but mostly higher ones... I really havnt been ph'n my water for the last month, but its naturally at a 7.2-7.4... here are some more pics....


Well-Known Member
Yea, that's not bad, it looks like too much nitro to me...looks burnt not deficient. The one earlier pick had that leaf twist going on, and I see that alot when I'm vegging youngsters and get it too hot! Hard to tell with out laying your eyes on em'. That Agent O range flavor quickly became one of my favorites. Like somebody said, it's orange with ahint of sour, Tangerines.... I think more like a Manderin.


Well-Known Member
Definitely a nute burn buddy.
I just finished going through the same thing. It sucks, but it is easily savable.
Thanks for the response bros... It seems like they are doing alot better now... I will post update picks in a week...


Well-Known Member
:hump:Well, I got 12 females out of 20 seeds... Which im completly stoked with... They have been flowering for one week, I will take clones on wednesday...