Aggressive Pre-flowering or flowering? + tan/white spots + dark drooping fan leaves


I'm growing the Royal Gorilla in my hydro system and a few weeks into the grow it started pre-flowering and thought nothing of it but as time progressed the plant started getting covered in trichomes, and calxyes.The plant also in the past few weeks started getting white/tan spots all over it and I cant figure it out. The leaves are bit darker than than they should be probably. TLDR here is the plant
  • Distance from light is 27 inches or so.
  • I have had a wacky feeding cycle, leaving it in the older water longer than I should because Ive been busy with work. There were times It went up to 3 or 4 days after its required change.
  • Someone taking care of it while out of town did drop it but that just displaced it and that happened some time ago.
  • Light cycle is 18/6. The power hasnt been turned off or changed. This is what boggles my mind so far. Its a photoperiod plant but it just looks like its flowering
  • Tempature is a constant 74F degrees
  • Last feeding just got up to about 27mLs of grow nutrient
Is my plant literally just flowering? If so how is that possible since I haven't changed its light cycle? I have 2 other plants that are perfectly normal.
Is it possible the seed was not the right one from Royal Queen seeds?
Can pre flowering be this aggressive? It stinks like good bud too and is very sticky.

What about the spots can anyone help diagnose it? or the dark drooping fan leaves?

Any help is appreciated and I'll provide more info if needed.
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