ah f*ck! is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
Fucking spider mites. I've been battling them mid-late bloom.
I've basically been living at the hospital since Saturday. I stopped at home for a few mins on Tuesday. Spider mites back, a few webs. Sprayed everything with blue dawn water, then sprayed with plain water.
Back at the house now for justa few minutes and they are way out oof control. I'm about two weeks from harvest and I have a ton of buds just fucking covered in webs. Sprayed them, but no time to go wipe everything off. Don't think I can win this battle while living at the hospital, first week of Jr year of college, and working.
What should I do?
Wipe em and chop em and dry em?
Wife and new baby are improving though.
Chop and toss em?


Well-Known Member
Thanks anon. Anybody have any opinions? Are my buds worth saving now that they fuckin covered in webs? I can make some time tomorrow to wipe em good or chop and hang em, or throw em away.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Shop vac the buds. Like literally put the buds in side the hose. Then get some mighty wash or some home made spray to keep them at bay for 2 weeks. But always shop vac the buds when theres webs.


Well-Known Member
If all your tops have webbings then your place will need one hell of a cleaning inside and out. For now, as mongo suggested is to try to suck up as much as you can with a shop vac, then keep then bitches moist with water foliar spray. Add a bit of h2o2 with the foliar to prevent mold. im curious to how they all have webbings but the plant is still smokeable? They didnt eat most the chlorophyll yet?

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Chop them and hang them and the spider mites will bail. They only live on living plants and when the bud is cut and hanging its not living anymore and they will leave or desiccate themselves with nothing to eat on. When they are dry get a shishkabab skewer squirt a big wad of hot glue on one end and as its drying spin the glue around on the end kind of like how they swirl cotton candy on that paper cone. Now when the glue is dry and not warm anymore it will be very "grippy" and if you pass it across the buds just barely touching them and twirling the skewer between your fingers at the same time it will collect the webbing and literally pull it right off. It takes some time but its worth having lots of salvageable bud.