ahhh, need help with autoflower.. broke the main cola


Well-Known Member
so i was lsting my biggest auto flower when the top bud site (the soon to be main cola) broke off.. i quickly taped it... anybody know the chance of survival for the branch?


Well-Known Member
Off? As in it actually separated?......... If so, then not good. Just bent and cracked and it might be ok.


Well-Known Member
Had my main cola break mid way up the "shaft"....just kinda died....bud dried in place....didn't recover or add any new growth ater the break. Your loss will be the part above the break I would think....good luck.......


Well-Known Member
wow man HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHA my plant would never do that.. . it loves me. -Due Date