Ahhh paranoia


Active Member
As a first time grower I am not completely savy with the newer improved methods cops use to bust grow sites. I am running on a 250w hps bulb thats stays on for 18 hours a day, plus a small fan that I'm pretty sure doesn't take up to much power. The grow room is in a 2 bedroom townhouse with 2 layers of brick wall seperating us from the other units. The lights are on during mostly daylight hours (6AM-12AM). Could anyone possibly tell me the ways cops favor busting grows or if my setup is a little too risky.


Well-Known Member
think about it, you are pulling 250 watts on your light, maybe 40 watts on your fan. so 300 watts for your setup. the cheapest space heater they have at walmart is 20$ and its 1500 watts... how many of those do you think walmart sells, something that uses 5 times as much power as your whole setup... and a regular desktop computer takes up 500 watts, not including the monitor.

a new favorite tool of cops is infared reading, they can tell where concentrations of heat are in your house from above or from a wall, if possable. a good way to avoid this is to have your grow area away from walls that have just the outside on the other side, hope you have an adic or at least space over your grow ( not growing in the open to the outside adic).

just relax, your setup takes up less power than a laptop for god sake and it doesnt put off that much heat, especialy if you are in a complex with 2 layers of bricks seperating the units.

just sit back, take one of these bongsmilie , and just chillllll

and if you are that paranoid just make sure you only grow a few plants, nothing big, i would say less than 6 and you might walk away with a mistamenor.


Well-Known Member
NO PROB MAN! paranoia strikes deep when nobody counters it with logic... it sucks... causes many a bad trips...


Active Member
Paranoia is such a bitch. Cops knocked on my door today, I nearly had a frigging heart attack. They just wanted to know if I'd called them...ahhhh, no! Turns out my neighbour had over something that happened outside.


Well-Known Member
think about it, you are pulling 250 watts on your light, maybe 40 watts on your fan. so 300 watts for your setup. the cheapest space heater they have at walmart is 20$ and its 1500 watts... how many of those do you think walmart sells, something that uses 5 times as much power as your whole setup... and a regular desktop computer takes up 500 watts, not including the monitor.

a new favorite tool of cops is infared reading, they can tell where concentrations of heat are in your house from above or from a wall, if possable. a good way to avoid this is to have your grow area away from walls that have just the outside on the other side, hope you have an adic or at least space over your grow ( not growing in the open to the outside adic).

just relax, your setup takes up less power than a laptop for god sake and it doesnt put off that much heat, especialy if you are in a complex with 2 layers of bricks seperating the units.

just sit back, take one of these bongsmilie , and just chillllll

and if you are that paranoid just make sure you only grow a few plants, nothing big, i would say less than 6 and you might walk away with a mistamenor.
so ur saying growing in the attic would be a bad idea


Well-Known Member
so ur saying growing in the attic would be a bad idea
that depends, what kind of lighting are we talking, is it an enclosed area, is it directly open to the outside via ducts or open vents?

usualy when growing in an adic and uding hoter lights the grower will line the area he will be growing in with plastic then layer a few more sheets of plastic an inch or so from eachother, both on the sides and the cieling. the best thing to do is make a triangular adic into a square growing room. when you have multiple layers of plastic with space between them it gives the air time to warm or cool befor it reaches the outside or inside of the room, so any heat will be distributed and cooled befor it makes it to the other side of the layers and visa versa for the cold in your room.

i know thats not the best explination, but i just got off work and im kinda streasin, ill smoke a few bongs and chill out, so if you need more advise or me to clearify on anything said i will upon request. just PM me.


Well-Known Member
just did my first harvest with 2 fans, an inline 250 cfm fan, and 600w HPS...

you'll be fine, trust me...

the only things that will get you caught are

1) telling people

2) the smell (invest in a great carbon filter), otherwise you'll be busted and kick yourself in the ass for not spending an extra 50 bucks on getting the better model (for example)


Well-Known Member
i remember my first joint...

:lol: :bigjoint:
omg i remember the first time i really got high... i tripped the fuck out...

i stole some heady ass weed from my moms bf... i was like 13... but this weed was wierd, it was just orange... JUST orange... like no green... but it was the first good weed i had ever seen, befor that i was just stealing shwag from my mom and it never really got me high... anyway, the shit was fuckin nuts, i took the first hit, it was like i wasnt smoking anything cuz i was thinkin "ready for schwag burn" so i just kept puffin... bad idea... well good idea if i knew what was going to happen... all i know is that i got wet, my shirt got ripped, i somehow called my mom and told her i was really really high (which i would never have done, she freaked the fuck out) and then stole a bike to get home on time... and i dont remember how i got home... all i did when i got home is walked by my screaming mom and into my room... to pass out.


Well-Known Member
oh man when i first started smoking everytime i smoked i would get extreme paranoia..to the point that i thought that THAT was how being high was...
then i got older an realized that i was dumb...and that smoking at the age of 13 wasnt a good idea..


Well-Known Member
just did my first harvest with 2 fans, an inline 250 cfm fan, and 600w HPS...

you'll be fine, trust me...

the only things that will get you caught are

1) telling people

2) the smell (invest in a great carbon filter), otherwise you'll be busted and kick yourself in the ass for not spending an extra 50 bucks on getting the better model (for example)
yes smell may be an issue, i have one room right now, i am using half of my closet to grow, i have only had one harvest in this area but the smell was nothing compaired to even just smoking. but that was with one or two plants, having alot of plants or just more that 2 or 3 and it could get mighty stinky.

if there is a problem with the smell of smoking then there is deffinately going to be a problem with smell growing... if not, then not so much.

HTG has a great inline fan/carbon filter combo deal right now.

but do you have space or noise alowance to run a fan like that with a carbon filter? if no then i would look into ozone generators or odor neutralizer. they are cheap, small and quiet.


Well-Known Member
oh man when i first started smoking everytime i smoked i would get extreme paranoia..to the point that i thought that THAT was how being high was...
then i got older an realized that i was dumb...and that smoking at the age of 13 wasnt a good idea..
lol that sucks man, i have been smokin since i was 11. id been buzzed or giggly befor that but 13 was the first time i got HIGH HIGH. but i figured out that that guy was a tweeker later... so im wondering if it was laced or something... ive never to this day seen orange weed...


Active Member
Your bigger worry is ,who knows your growing, It's a Need to know only, thats a rule you should go by. It' hard to grow awesome plants and keep it to yourself but that's my opionion from lot's of experience. You never know who will get jealous of you or pissed at you; plus whoever you tell you go figure they tell, not even to do you harm . Plus my motto Always expect the unexpected! You don't have to worry so much about the f.......up rippers but if your outdoor you sure want to keep it on the down lo. Had problems in 07 people i knew and trusted took every girl, some really special ones at that. Anyway good luck to ya treat the ladies well and they'll treat you good in return. Peace to ya .


Well-Known Member
lol that sucks man, i have been smokin since i was 11. id been buzzed or giggly befor that but 13 was the first time i got HIGH HIGH. but i figured out that that guy was a tweeker later... so im wondering if it was laced or something... ive never to this day seen orange weed...
haha that and i started smoking better weed...that deff helps alot...didnt realy smoke all that much through highschool (i was more of a tweeker(adderal and shit) either or i would be gettin oxy for like REALLY cheap(damn i miss highschool prices))
but its funny you should say that about the orange weed man..a friend of mine said he and his cuzin got some that was PURE orange...he said it was the wierdist shit he has ever seen weed wise...i wonder whats up with that...


Active Member
well the grow room is in my buddies room (who so willingly allows it due to his infatuation with mary). a large ventilation fan and/or carbon filter might might wake him if we crank it on at 6AM. but i'll look into the Ozone generator or odor neutralizer.

and my first time getting high...13th birthday party. all I really have to say about it, well, I will never for the life of me think of the red barron the same. nuff said.


Well-Known Member
As far as i know they are supposed look for 1000 watt+ grows in roof spaces.
But in all reality they have little resources to do this and they really only concentrate on huge grow ops that are several thousand watts and up.
Heli juice is very expensive:leaf: