think about it, you are pulling 250 watts on your light, maybe 40 watts on your fan. so 300 watts for your setup. the cheapest space heater they have at walmart is 20$ and its 1500 watts... how many of those do you think walmart sells, something that uses 5 times as much power as your whole setup... and a regular desktop computer takes up 500 watts, not including the monitor.
a new favorite tool of cops is infared reading, they can tell where concentrations of heat are in your house from above or from a wall, if possable. a good way to avoid this is to have your grow area away from walls that have just the outside on the other side, hope you have an adic or at least space over your grow ( not growing in the open to the outside adic).
just relax, your setup takes up less power than a laptop for god sake and it doesnt put off that much heat, especialy if you are in a complex with 2 layers of bricks seperating the units.
just sit back, take one of these
, and just chillllll
and if you are that paranoid just make sure you only grow a few plants, nothing big, i would say less than 6 and you might walk away with a mistamenor.