Ahhh Poop... Husk removed and worried about seedlings...

Hey all,

First time caller, long time listener.

I'm growing some SLH and after a few failed attempts (my fault) I finally got a somewhat health seedling...

But.... the seed's husk remained on for 3 days. I got worried because it seemed to be weighing the seedling down so heres the procedure details.....

1.) Put in humidity dome for 38 hours
2.) Gave em a tug after 24 hours of high humidity to no avail
3.) Finally *gently* pulled them off using zip tie ends. Some very small leaves look brown. Cotyledon no where in sight??
4.) Under a couple veg cfl's, 32 watts about 2 inches away

Its been a little and I'm nervous.

Gave a VERY diluted watering of SuperThrive 24 hours ago and she got taller but didnt shed the husk by then so I intervened.

Heres some pictures.

2011-10-13 18.21.51.jpg2011-10-13 18.21.22.jpg


Any help, tips, pointers, etc are welcome. I WILL NEVER USE SUPERTHRIVE THIS EARLY AGAIN. I realize my mistake but dont think it had any adverse effects. Here top looked this way before. She just wasnt as tall.

HELP!!! Please and thanks! :-P :clap::clap::clap::clap:


Soil is Happy Frog.

No other nutes other than ST.

In grow cabinet with mylar. Good temps. Small PC fan blowing on the seedling.

Just the facts maam.


Well-Known Member
just let it grow. it doesn't even have its true leafs yet. water it when the soil dry out, it will probably take 4 days with that little guy in it


Well-Known Member
Smoooke. Are you smoking yet? just leave it alone, Don't touch it. Don't scratch it don't pick at it. In faact if its all good in the cabinet then don't even look at it for 24 hours.
Cliche case of the overanalyzing newb...

I just got nervous when she was tilting downward. I realy just need to not look at her for extended periods of time.

I use about a drop in a water bottle. Just dripping it around the soil but never over saturating. The soil has been consistently dry, with slight slight moisture about a pinkys worth down.

feel like a real turkey for using ST this soon :/


Active Member
It is just a seedling man. Relax, let her go. Next time, don't pull off the seed husk.

Best rule of thumb when growing this stuff = less is more.

Just let her do her thing, don't feed her any nutes until at least 2 weeks. Even then go extremely sparingly.

Also, don't freak out over every little yellow spot or whatever. I wish someone told me that when I started.
Thanks man.

Its funny because I used to grow mushies no problem. Never encountered an issue that plagued me as much as this grow op. Maybe since it was such a "set it and forget it" grow. 2 days of prepwork under extreme sterile conditions and then colonization. After that, it was a week until harvest.

Thanks everyone for the help and bit of knuckle slapping.

Should i keep the soil even a little moist?? Its bone dry pretty much.


Active Member
Think of it this way. You want to get the soil dry enough that it forces the roots to search for more water, but you don't want it to get so dry the roots dry out and she withers.

Since the seedling is so small right now it does not need a lot of water *AT ALL*. I would just try to keep the top inch or so of soil moist. Not soaking wet, just keep it nice and moist. Still need to be airy enough for the thing to breathe, remember.

edit: to clarify, just check the seedling once every couple hours or whatever. If the top 2 inches of soil is dry, moisten (when the roots get longer wait until soil is dryer, deeper). Hope I helped.
You definitely have helped but my girl is bending over and the head of the seedling is touching the soil. Like an upside down "U". I suck.
The stem is looking healthy but towards the top it has gotten really thin. I propped her up on a piece of wire I stripped, made into a "Y", and stuck in the ground. So her stem and top are being supported by the wire.

Sooo she is still limp as a bizkit with the top of the stem completely thinned out and the rest a healthy green color (with little fiberous hairs).

2011-10-15 10.08.18.jpg2011-10-15 10.07.35.jpg

Will she survive???? Ughhhh I am so frustrated with growing. Nothing has gone right, mostly due to me overanalyzing.... :(
So you think she'll live? Or is it time to start a new one?


Well-Known Member
I would just leave her alone for a couple of days, don't even look at her and when you go back in youll be amazed on the transformation that has occured.