Ahhhh help help...


Active Member
i recently purchased 2 clones from a club in Ca... its my first time using clones also... i put them in there respective pots.. left them in shade for 1 day like i was told and then proceeded to move them out to the sun....

for some reason or another during the day my leaves seem to droop.... almost like its sleeping.... but as soon as it hits around 5 oclock here the leaves seem to perk back up.....

could someone help me please....



Well-Known Member
i think its because they need to stay where they get mostly shade for a while. I just got 12 clones from a dispensery yesterday and i have them i the shade. One is drooping but thats it so far. Hopefully they can take the shock. This is my first time so hopefully they will all live. keep them shaded for a week or so