
jeff f

New Member
so because we cite that the "scientists" ( they are mostly politicians) that cry global warming dont include the sun into their data at all, were stupid?

were on a fucking giant rock circling a giant nuclear explosion in space, yeah were going to be having a LOT of climate change
may i just add, a really really cold rock....


New Member
Cracker says:
"Capitalism coupled with a democratic republic is the key".
Maybe a socialistic capitalist society, with democracy accross the board, including businesses. Just think how wonderful it would be to have a job that you actually got a say in how the business was run. Like maybe if your company decided to move your job overseas, you could say fuck no assholes. Like maybe the investors were trying to sell your business off, or a hostile takeover. You could actually have as much say in major decisions affecting your job as the CEO, One person, one vote, democracy. Yeah all you cons want it both ways, democracy for businesses and shit for the workers, Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a hell of a buisness plan Medman.
I wonder why that has never been tryed?
Why don't the UAW buy some old plants and start their own buisness.
I bet they could show us all the right way to do it.
You know with all their membership they could get
$100 million a month in donations from their workers.
They could afford to do it why not?

Here is what I see going wrong.
See IMO the CEO is in charge because he knows how to run the numbers.
He may not know how to turn a wrench but he has a feild of expertise.
The guy on the floor may know how to put together a brake assembily.
But does he know the Corprations real finacial situation?
Is the assembliy line worker supposed to do his job and be up on all the numbers as well.
Of course not he can't know all the workings of the buisness.
So what is his vote really going to be worth?
It will be an educated guess at best and at worst greedy and ultimately destructive.

Not a bad idea Med a little left libertarian.
Your starting to come around.
As soon a you understand the value of private property and the non-violence principle you will be turned to the dark side.


New Member
Todays unions = leeches.

Yes med man capitalism coupled to a democratic republic is the key to prosperity. All the things ur against ... :lol:

jeff f

New Member
Cracker says:
"Capitalism coupled with a democratic republic is the key".
Maybe a socialistic capitalist society, with democracy accross the board, including businesses. Just think how wonderful it would be to have a job that you actually got a say in how the business was run. Like maybe if your company decided to move your job overseas, you could say fuck no assholes. Like maybe the investors were trying to sell your business off, or a hostile takeover. You could actually have as much say in major decisions affecting your job as the CEO, One person, one vote, democracy. Yeah all you cons want it both ways, democracy for businesses and shit for the workers, Pathetic.
its pretty simple med, start your own business then you CAN make all the decisions. problem solved...NEXT


Well-Known Member
yeah, i don't see it doing well with Broke back mountain.
It doesn't have a high level of gayness needed to be coupled with broke back.