Aint This Bout A Bitch!


Well-Known Member
Whats up ppl i also have a question, I live in Alabama & i have 3 plants in my uncles backyard at the perimeter close to the bush line they're pretty much concealed accept on one side there is a pretty wide opening but the only way to see them would be from the air, but this past sunday i heard ppl talking about 2 helicopters flying & circling close to my uncles house but not directly above, but some also said that theppl helicopter was pacing about 100 yds in the same spot, but from what every1 said they stayed in the area for about an hour.OK,, that was sunday evening, yesterday my cousin who lives approx 20ft above my uncle house on a hill, she called me yesterday & told me that a helicopter woke her up @ like 6am yesterday morning, she said that you could feel trailer vibrating, she said she went outside & could feel the wind but couldnt see them. Do you think they seen my plants? Or do you think they were lookiing for something else? The county that i live in there are alot of mines, strip pits, & a lot of wooded areas, so i pray they were surveying or looking for other shit, but the county i live in is the #1 place in the US tofind a hitman, and meth labs are crazy down here. Im fucking paranoid!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
give it couple days and go back there, if there gone, they found them, and just be glad they didnt get u, if not well then ur good


Well-Known Member
give it couple days and go back there, if there gone, they found them, and just be glad they didnt get u, if not well then ur good
They're still there if not my uncle would know because they are only about 50 yards from his home in the bush, & theres only one way to get in his yard. The only thing that is keeping me calm besides thiis half blunt of cheese, is me thinking that if they would have seen them they would've already done something between sunday & yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Dude it is like 900 an hour to fly those things, they aint out looking for three plants. lol\

Relax you aint John Gotti.


Well-Known Member
Dude it is like 900 an hour to fly those things, they aint out looking for three plants. lol\

Relax you aint John Gotti.
and your not familiar with southern law enforcement, im guessing.

its 50/50 they got spotted. i would lean towards they got spotted. big brother knows smart outdoor growers seldom place all there eggs in one basket, and the increased activity, to me, signifies that your plot was spotted, and, more than likely, suspected to be apart of a larger operation. they would have searched for additional trails, plots, anything that can point to a 'big bust', and, odds are also pretty good they marked your plot on there GPS and will be keeping an eye onn it as we approach harvest season.

be careful, and in the future, DO NOT grow on someones property..... for real. that is uncool. there is a shit ton of army corps land in AL....


Well-Known Member
and PS-

they dont use choppers to look for meth labs unlness they already have a warrant. Fact.

but they DO use them almost exclusively to look for outdoor plots. Fact


Well-Known Member
a more than likely, suspected to be apart of a larger operation. they would have searched for additional trails, plots, anything that can point to a 'big bust'

So I guess these days you kids are growing a bunch of small plots around one giant plot? hahahah!


Well-Known Member
if you go back look at your feet the whole time and wear a hat. all they would need is a trail cam to prove it's yours


Well-Known Member
@Fresno- I swear bruh, i can post some articles from earlier this year, of ppl that have been busted for 1-5,, 8inch-5ft plants not too far from me, real talk!


Well-Known Member
if you go back look at your feet the whole time and wear a hat. all they would need is a trail cam to prove it's yours
I think uma prolly get a crackhead to go close to my grow (not to it tho) & search the trees for cameras, & if he finds one, he can sell it.


Well-Known Member
@Fresno- I swear bruh, i can post some articles from earlier this year, of ppl that have been busted for 1-5,, 8inch-5ft plants not too far from me, real talk!
Yeah.....I know how the south is....they are grimey like that, but seeing as your plants are pretty well hidden I don't think they would have noticed. Just be extra careful.....and if I were you I would put on a fake mustache and glasses......maybe along with some make up when you go back to check. Wear shoes 2 sizes too big and stuff them with socks. and wear clothes you would never wear