air conditining VENT question


Active Member
would it be possible to run a duct from the air conditioning vent on the cieling into my tent? I mean i know its possible but what if i taped up like half of the vent for the duct and left the other half open for the room would the air actually make it into the duct or would it just flow into the room or would i have to tape up the whole thing


Well-Known Member
are you trying to establish and intake or outtake? Either way a inline fan will boost airflow and is always better to attach one when using any type of vent


Active Member
trying to establish an intake the cheapest way possible. I cannot afford a 150 dollar inline at the moment.


If you want to do that, its probably better if you just use some cardboard to make a cheap flange around the whole air conditioning vent, then duct it to your intake. If you wanted, you could just add one of those cheap 6" inline fans to it to help move the cool air. Here's one for $45

And here's one at home depot for $31