Air conditioner in Winter


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, my growroom has a window unit air conditioner and now that's its getting colder and colder out I'm thinking of taking it out and possibly getting a portable ac. I was wondering though has anyone ran window a/c in winter and was successful without freezing the unit, I kind of don't want to take it out a get a new a/c unit?


you know i am going threw the samething at my place but i never had a problem with my unit durning the winter months its days like today that you cant just turn the a/c off or it will get to hot still just keep the snow off the unit and it will be all good


Active Member
At one point i used one that also had a fan mode. Ran fan mode all winter, AC otherwise, and never had any issues :)
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
It's my understanding that after it gets too cold it'll freeze up on the low pressure side of the condenser without a heater installed in it.


Well-Known Member
Ya last week one day is it was really cold and my unit just started making this clanking noise like something was in it. I think it was ice but ya my a/c has a fan mode ,Thanks Trent, so I use that at night and during the day it's warm enough to run a/c!