Air conditioner question

It looks like the dual hose design uses outside air to cool the condenser coils(warm). Then it symply pulls room air through the evaperator coils(cold). Its like recirculation, only cools the already cooler air. Would be most effecient. The other diagram of the single hose looks like it pulls some of the cool room air to push through the warm condenser coils then outside. Neither will pull outside air in as it cools. You would need a much bigger unit to be able to do that. You will have to make your own way of bringing in fresh outside air/exhausting room air. The single hose design might create a small low pressure in your room, since it exhaust some of the air outside, to draw in air through a vent, maybe? probably need a fan
Yeah, I'm definitely gonna go with a dual hose air conditioner after what I've learned from this thread, they're more efficient and effective than the single hose ones. The only thing I've been able to come up with to bring in fresh air and exhaust room air is to leave the bedroom door open and have the nearby windows open so that fresh air can flow in and the room air can escape. Do you think that would work? There will definitely be fans in the tent and the room the tent will be in has a ceiling fan, so that will be set on high for better air movement while the bedroom door is open. I would leave the bedroom window open if I could, but I don't think I can with the air conditioner hoses in the window. Maybe I could if they're easy to remove and set back up.
I have a portable dual holes 9000 BTU air conditioner and it works great with no other ventilation. I have a 600w hps in a 5x5x7 grow tent that's in a 13x13x9 room and all I do is leave the tent open with a fan on to make sure all the air is circulating and boom there you have it temps stay at about 77°f IMG_20150515_113319.jpg
Why can't you just vent out the window?
Even if I did vent from the grow tent directly to the window it still would be hot as hell in the tent because the air being pulled into the tent would be warm air that's in the room. So that's why I use the air conditioner, it cools the air and replaces old air at 350cfm.
I see, I've done the tent thing for awhile...
What has worked for me is putting a window fan blowing out of the window with the duct right behind it. This blows all the heat out and creates a negative pressure condition in the room, drawing fresh cooler air from the rest of your place. It also hides the ducting in case you live in an apartment or for some reason have an unusually visible window and don't want to draw attention.
I was running 2 400w in a 5x5 tent and kept everything under 80 in southern california