Here is a picture of a set up I took a picture of some time ago. Not sure who I got it from but do this. Rather than the scrubber taking the air out of the room, let it intake and circulate in the room. Use the same spot for the exhaust but this will not be a cfm exhaust but rather a 4"-6" exhaust fan set on low to medium. Everything else is the same other than that. You will constantly be exhausting air and intaking fresh air in the room and the cool tube. The a/c runs in the room also. The cfm will be set on a timer so it will clean the air every 15 mins to 1 hour.
The room will stay the same temp, but if you were to exhaust the entire room with the cfm it would suck out the whole room of your cooled down air. Remember that the only reason the room isn't hot is because it has an a/c unit in it, otherwise the room would be very hot even with the cool tube. Leave the air in the room. The addtional heat will be exhausted at the top of the room constantly( also replacing the air in the room) with the intake, which will be running constantly and bringing in Co2.