Air Conditioning: In wall or Portable


I have made my decision.
I want everyone to know I truly value each and every post in this thread.
Mini-Split would be the best but it is a bad fit at this time.
A wall or window type would draw attention when I believe that is a bad idea.

I will try out :
Whynter ARC-14SH 14,000 BTU Dual Hose Portable Air Conditioner, Dehumidifier, Fan & Heater with Activated Carbon Filter Plus Storage Bag, Platinum Black

I went with a heater option just in case.
Hey I may want different later but this unit should be of value and of use even if I don't have it in the grow-room.
I did not say what my "grow" was in this thread.
There has been an excellent conversation by the folks here. I believe "Tent" just became assumed. Not bad. I never looked into Tents so I do read what people say. Good Stuff.

I think I am liking the dual hose portable. Reusing the heat is smart. A wall unit is a bit flashy and would draw attention. I would be cutting a hole in a wall.
A mini Split is a bit advanced for what I plan but I totally dig the idea. Now if money was no object and neighbors were not a concern well, it would be Mini-Split.

The portable one you posted has two hoses, but I think they are both for exhaust. I'm not sure what you mean by reusing the heat, but you're going to need to vent it outside somehow.
The portable one you posted has two hoses, but I think they are both for exhaust. I'm not sure what you mean by reusing the heat, but you're going to need to vent it outside somehow.

Yes it does have two exhaust hoses.
A selling point to me was this quote:
Award Winning: 1. Good Housekeeping's "2020 Best Overall" and "can cool down a room faster than other portable units" 2. Consumer Report's 2020 Highest Score; UL listed

We might have been thinking about Tents. This is/will-be an actual room.
Hopefully this is a smart choice. Fingers crossed.

I think it will work fine for your purpose. You are now an expert on ACs. Ha.

There is no joke about understanding the consistence of the "Crowd."

Have you seen one of those guess the count of the "Jelly-Beans-in-a-jar" contests?
I just googled but I'm not sure what that is called. Anyhow it's like take all the guesses add them up and divide by the number of guessers.
If I remember right that number of guessed "beans-in-a-jar" all added up together divided by the number of guesses comes in close to the right number of beans.

In this case I am asking about what is best for me by asking for everyone's perspective and wisdom. Add it all up, divide and there I had the best advice in the world in my opinion! RIU RULZ! :)

I'm thinking ask a lot of questions before spending hundreds.

Again I thank you all.

I made a mistake.

The Whynter ARC-14S dual hose portable air conditioner comes with one air intake hose and one air exhaust hose. The air intake hose pulls air into the portable air conditioner from the outside to cool off the compressor and condenser coil.

I wasn't thinking.

let us know how it worked out for you... how fast does it cool your tent... im eager to know, i might change my opinion about portables...
let us know how it worked out for you... how fast does it cool your tent... im eager to know, i might change my opinion about portables...

He he he Not a Tent! A Room.

It does pull from external so it wont create negative pressure in the grow-room like one hose units do.
Subscribe to my build. I'll update there with a review. That is when I get that far.

Window units will freeze up in the winter if you're in a cold region.
mine is a newer one, and if its cold enough outside the thermostat inside the unit will simply cause it to run without the compressor/cooling coil aspect, just a fan basically that only circulates the air inside the room
mine is a newer one, and if its cold enough outside the thermostat inside the unit will simply cause it to run without the compressor/cooling coil aspect, just a fan basically that only circulates the air inside the room
Huh. I've heard horror stories of the machine seizing up and having a huge ice patch on their wall. If it works that would be the easiest way.
Huh. I've heard horror stories of the machine seizing up and having a huge ice patch on their wall. If it works that would be the easiest way.
yeah ive had it happen before at my exes place, but it was an older unit that would run on full blast regardless of the room/outside temps