Air Drying Question........

My plan for drying and curing includes: trimming buds, hanging buds, mason jar cure.
My question is: How long should I expect to be air drying? I understand that I am looking for slightly crispy edges, and stems that bend but do not break. But this is my 1st successful harvest, so I'm just curious, how long should I expect until I can begin the mason jar cure. Just looking for an estimate of course.


Well-Known Member
about a week , week and a half, youll know if you did it at the right time cuz when you burp your jars once the bud is in them you will be able to feel the moisture on the buds increase day by day. it's wierd cuz you might think they are dry, but a day or two in the jars will bring that inner moisture out and reinfuse the whole bud with moisture again, if they get too moist, then take em outta the jar and air dry em for another night thewn throw back in the jars, rinse and repeat until they have a lil moisture, but not a shit ton, by a cigar hyrgrometer and throw it in your mason jar to take readings once you are at 60-65 RH then you are gold and you only need to burp em once a day or so , when you open the jars and they feel moist then your RH is way too high and they need to be dried more..... peace


Active Member
Hiya mate, i would say 4-6 days is ideal, any less and the taste suffers i think. i like the stems to snap but not break off fully, if you get me. Then it to the jar for how ever long you like, all the trick is to dry them slowly as im sure you know. All the best.


Well-Known Member
for your room ? nah, the higher you get though the longer they take to dry, and you might be invited by that asshole mold