Air Exhaust/Ventilation - Veteran growers input please


The research paid off. Its about 99 degrees outside and only 84 degrees / 59 percent humidity inside the tent and the fans are only at 50%. The beauty of it all is I will never run during this time of the day....... I will run at night, and next week lows in the 50's...... Time to toss some bagseed in there and take her for a test run!

Now time to vape a big bowl grab a chair and watch the show for 24 hours and see if we can get that temp down a little.

Some say my fan should suck, some say blow.. I prefer either :-P Can anyone with real world experience chime in here. Fan before hood sucking, or behind hood blowing??? is one way better than another or will I just waste a good buzz movin all that shit around?

Thanks again everyone. RUI took me from Ghetto grower to semi pro :clap:


Well-Known Member
i suck through my hood fans are meant to be more efficient that way, but loads of people blow through it, give both a try and see what way works better for you.