Sorry for the lack of post. We've had some health issues in our family and my wife and I have been spending a lot of time at the hospital.
Saturday, December 31[SUP]st[/SUP] 2011
Total days: 109
Clone: 11
Veg: 28
Flower: 70

Here's a shot of all four girls.

And here's a nice frost bud close up.
Trichs are just starting to cloud up so I figure I'll harvest next weekend. I'll give them water with nutes in it today and tomorrow and then will switch to straight water for flush.
Air-Pots Overall Impression
So I've come to a few conclusions on the Air-Pots.
- I don't like the smallest size container. It's to tall and narrow and hard to get water to the bottom without it draining out the sides.
- If you're going to transplant into an Air-Pot, the Air-Pot needs to be a lot bigger than the pot you're coming from. The soil needs to be packed up against the side walls so your Air-Pot needs to be big enough that you can fill with soil and then scoop out a spot for the incoming plant. No problem if you've got a clone in a Rapid Rooter but more difficult if the pots are close to the same diameter.
- You need to push the size of the plant to see a difference between the two. The Air-Pots should let you grow a bigger plant than normal in the same space but if you haven't hit the wall using a standard pot the Air-Pot isn't going to make a huge difference.
The Experiments
I transplanted two plants from smaller pots into bigger containers. One went into a 2 gal standard pot, one went into a 2 gal Air-Pot. Here the difference was very easy to see. The plant transplanted into the Air-Pot did much better than the one transplanted into a standard pot.
Veg and Flower
The other two plants did their veg and flower in the same pot. One standard pot and one Air-Pot. Here the difference isn't as dramatic. Both plants did well with the plant in the Air-Pot being a little bushier and slightly taller.
My biggest regret is that I didn't veg the two plants that started out in their final containers longer. I think another 2-3 weeks of veg time would have made a huge difference in the end.
Next Steps
At this point I pretty much consider this experiment concluded with a slight edge to the Air-Pot. I'm going to run this experiment again but it won't be for a few months. My next grow is some Barney's Farm LSD Feminized from seed. I'll be taking some cuttings for a mother so the following grow will be Barney's Farm LSD Feminized from clone. That grow I'll do two plants, one in a standard pot and one in a Air-Pot and really let them veg.