This is not what I originally read but same info
Hyper-oxygenation of irrigation water has many benefits
Hyper-oxygenating irrigation water significantly improves plants resistance to stress & diseases. Research has clearly shown that tomato plants inoculated with Pythium F. remained healthy when irrigated with hyper-oxygenated water and showed a significant decrease in root colonisation by the pathogen, in comparison plants treated with normal water perished4.
Hyper-oxygenation also increases plants tolerance to salt5, 6. Hyper-oxygenating water increases nutrient uptake and conversion efficiency which enhances the growth and development of roots, vegetative and flowering characteristics. For instance, oxygen will oxidise organic phosphate into inorganic phosphate which can then be readily used by plants. The benefits apply to the cultivation of all plants, be it vegetables, herbs, bulbs, ornamentals, cut flowers, grass and arboriculture. Nematodes will also be less of a problem as they will avoid all areas where hyper-oxygenated water is present.
Hyper-oxygenating irrigation water can lead to yield increase varying between 5-96% depending on crop type and soil type. It can also significantly increase water efficiency with savings of up to 27% compared to non-oxygenated water7.