Not true at all. Ozone Generators are safe with proper ventilation. And they have never harmed any plant Ive ever grown. Also, never done anything that you have mentioned in your post. Show me your evidence.
Actually, it is true. As I explained in my post if you don't have proper experience to know how to use it, it can be used improperly. Not having adequate ventilation would be one way to use it improperly. Another would be using an ozone generator that is rated for a square footage much larger than the one you are placing it in. When used properly, ozone generators are fantastic. When not used properly ozone generators are harmful to your health and your house. That is a fact.
Carbon scrubbers on the other hand, when used properly work just as well as ozone generators. When they arn't used properly, they still work, and they don't cause harmful effects. Personally, I prefer to err on the side of caution, especially when advising a newbie (no offense). If you wish to do the opposite, feel free.
As far as evidence, I haven't published a medical or hortilogical experiment in any journals. If you have, I would love to read it. But I can tell you that I used an Air Tiger in a room as back up odor protection. One day the exhaust fan broke, and my plants browned. When I walked into the room, I got light headed and I noticed the paint peeling next to the ozone generator. That's where I get my information from, first hand experience. Was it one in a million, probably, but it still happened.
Just because you have used an ozone generator with no problems doesn't mean the problems don't exist. I havn't been struck by lightening, but I'm not running around in a thunderstorm with a golf club in my hands. No offense, but I could fill a book with what hasn't happened to you.
Back on topic. If you are strapped for cash and need a quick fix, go with ONA gel.