Airstones Aeroponics


Well-Known Member
is it necessary to use an airstone in with aero grow, what are the uses/benefits nad would it affect yield. thanks in advance guys.


Well-Known Member
it depends if the roots are hanging right above the water sourse then yes because they need to get oxygen so it turns it into a aero/dwc hybrid most people ive seen use misters to get the plants to start root untill they reach the water level and then just use the dwc aspect and dont run the aero aspect it basically helps younger rooted plants show roots faster

if your roots are not above the reservoir and they are self contained and just misted by the sprayers it is a good idea to oxygenate the water with the airstones but not 100% nessacary some pics or drawing of your set up would help me better understand


Well-Known Member
Thanks Drpepper im in the middle of putting my setup together ill take some pics when its all working and what not.


Well-Known Member
ok keep me posted would like to see like i said if you do aero/dwc its almost like doing a top drip plus dwc its only there to help faster root development