AK-47 and Bubblegum. Huge Growth! I love DWC!


Active Member
These guys have been vegging for about 5 weeks. Started in single little buckets. First DWC. I now have a recirc system. Different than most though I think. I have a manifold pumping into each bucket, then it overflows out and back into the res at the right level. With young plants I put the feeder tube up in the hydroton to keep the roots wet.

The res level slowely goes down as the plants drink and I just manually add more water.

I'm gonna go flip them over to bud right now as they're overgrowing my veg cab! Just finishing up the DWC setup on the bud side. Last picture on the left is the sativa bubblegum pheno, on the right is the indica. In the back is the AK-47, a couple weeks behind the bubblegums.

I love DWC! Thanks for teaching me internet bud growing community! Happy growing!

day 14 a.jpgroots.jpgP1010051.jpgP1010073.jpgroots.jpgveg cab DWC.jpgveggg.jpg


Active Member

It's an Avacado tree! But I ran out of room for it and some flying things were living in it's soil so I took it out and put it by a window.


Active Member
Yep. Just my veg cab. I have a full 10 foot ceiling closet for budding under a 1000W. Gonna have some big girls!

I'm working on it right now. Just filled my bud res up and it's pumping into the buckets full of nutes right now! I'll take some pics of them once they're settled into the bud closet.


Active Member
Here they are in their new home. Some of the shoots that got used to resting on the walls in the veg cab are a bit droopy, but I imagine they will stiffen up and reach for the light pretty quick time.

I've got one bubblegum and one AK-47 in soil there in behind the DWC. The AK back right is 42 days in. The Bubblegum back left is 31 in.
