AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
so here's some pic's of the mom's and clones, they look soo good and healthy.....
the remaining clones got another fert feedin last night, they wuz thirsty!
my frigin moms really wanna be cloned! the first 3 pic's are of the ISS/ROMULANxSSH and the rest of them are AK47xSSH, yum yum! :weed:
more pics later when the flower lights come on..... :joint:



Well-Known Member
finally, lights on in the flower room, here's some pics of them awsome lookin buds.... the 11 sexers are almost ready, round xmas i figure, day 65 today for them anyhow....
the B1 batch is doing ok, they got pretty hurt with the soil/nutz prob way back, but got buds startin, so maby they might give me a decent return, but probly few weeks or more stalled thanks to the stress....
the HSS are getting quite big too, think i gotta givem some fertz tho, got some lightness in some of the leaves... :weed:



Well-Known Member
wow, Im ahhhh.... jealous
haha great grow +rep
sorry I didnt go back and read yet but what kind of space are you working with to have this size grow?


Well-Known Member
4 rooms, 3 grow rooms and a entry/power room
clone/rez room is 3'wide x 5'long x 8'high w/4x4' T5's
entry/power room is 3'w x 4'l x 8'h NA
veg room is 5'w x 6'l x 7 1/2' to 8'h w/400w MH
flower room is 5'w x 8'l x 8'h w/2x600w HPS

23' long total mix of 3'-5' wide


Well-Known Member
oh wow, good night in my patch for sure.....
all my sexy lady's lookin.. um...sexy, lol......
took some samples and quick dryed them in the nuker....
oh wow, must say, them big ass AK47xSSH give a very nice body stone and the smaller...er... taller yet less mature Romulan x SSH are blow your head off good! very impressed, i just can't wait till harvest of both kinds!.....
my Hawaiian Sweet Skunks starting to bud now too, down to 2 of them, the rest were males.....
rearanged my flower room, made shelves for the smaller ones and did some hight adjustments on the lights....
fukn impressed i am!............. :joint:



Well-Known Member
You`re gonna have massive yield from thoes, who are in veg room.
I`m doing the same with my big buds - letting them to grow as big as its possible for maximum yield.


Well-Known Member
those in the veg room are just moms, there clones veg for a few days only after roots start in a dif room under T5's, if any of them hit the flower room eventually, they will be soo stripped of clones, lol, they too big to bud in my rooms!


Active Member
looking fucking awesome man great grow!!! I'm just coming out of college and cannot wait to setup my first indoor grow.. I'll be watching this closely tho mainly because of the Romulan =P... good luck man keep the updates comin!!!!


Well-Known Member
and here's some updates on my lovely lady's, had to water the sexers and HSS, and gave the B1 in the screwed soil a light fert mix, hope they take to the light fert mix.... those clones will go into 12h when i crop off the sexers this week..ain't got no room for them till then!
oh man those frigin buds lookin soo good... :weed:



Well-Known Member
wow, been a few days, MERRY HO HO to all ......
left the rooms all sealed up for a cycle and change to get actual temp readings outa them,
without me popin in every day it stays at 90 to 91,
after i work in there or even break the "seal" it jumps to 94.....
hits 74 on the low side......
i'm happy with those numbers for now.... will have to get a portable AC for them come summer tho....
well, here's some pics of my girls last night before i went and played Santa, every one of them lovely ladies look awsome...
got a new microscope yesterday, 60x - 100x zoom with cool little LED lite, gonna watch them crystals to perfection....
thinkin i got some days left for the sexers tho, don't think they gonna be a true Xmas harvest....
anyhow, will update more pics latter after lights on :weed:



Well-Known Member
wow just looked through all this thread and im amazed. You clearly know what your doing, your plants look great. So much green...you have the kind of grow going on that i could only dream of. Awesome great job rep+


Well-Known Member
thankz man, but it hazn't been without bad luck....had lotza probs with the heat and finally got that under control, but my girls still show there scars.... the newest batch is doin perfect tho, thankfully.... i've always grow organic and am trying to up the anti these days, gonna try full aerophonic systems in the new year......