AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
well, how do ya be now ...... he he he ...... k, here's some pics of my lady'z and of the light/venting....
fuk do they ever look soo good..... my frigin moms are getting way to fukn big, lol, they will produce soo many clones.... :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
thats one big setup.

i could never do all that on my own in my current situation / accommodation.

how much do u harvest each time and from how many plants?


Well-Known Member
well, only done a sexer batch and 1 x 30 plant batch, sofar, but pulled 3/4 LB outa the hurtin things.......

presently in flower i got 36 plants on the verg...
with 17 to go a week or 2 latter....
then there are 3 old short cloned moms in there too and 2 big ass uncloned moms aswell.... not sure when they'll be done..

so all together there is 58 in flower......

the veg room has 3 Romulan x SSH moms, 1 AK47 x SSH mom..... and 80 clones in soil..... 2 of wich are soon to be Hiwiana Sweet Skunk moms.........

so all together there is 84 in veg......

sure does take up lotza time but it will be worth it....few hours every few days and a lookzy every day...so.....er.... cough cough..... it is worth it..... he he he

here is some pics of it tonight, and some more of the vent lines and fans i forgot to take last night....
fuk are those budz ever getting nice with less tempz!.. :joint:



Well-Known Member
wow, im impressed.

how come you need that much weed? are u selling for profit?

do u need any help trimming ;) invite me over lol.


Well-Known Member
smokeh said:
wow, im impressed.

how come you need that much weed? are u selling for profit?

do u need any help trimming ;) invite me over lol.
For a stoner 3/4 lb is gone very fast. :D

Epixbud, what`s Your average yield for one plant?


Well-Known Member
aiming for min 1oz per, my sexers produced bout 2oz's each, but they were bigger then the 2 batchs thatr almost done.....

and smokeh, i sell nuff to pay for the upkeep and keep the Good Old Boys in desent smoke, you pay too much for shit weed here...and me alone smokes bout 7 - 10 grams a day, or more on the weekends, lol, or days off..... i'm a cronic and only help the cronics who deserve.... he he he.... and of course trading stuff with local pharmers too.....


Well-Known Member
so here's my lady's early this morning, fuk they ever looking real good....
this afternoon i toor out all the crappy small clones, only bigins left now, 40 x AK47 and 2 x HSS...........

thinking of putting in a new air system, goona section off the cooled lights straight to the outdoors in and out.
then run outdoor air in via thermistat to cool extra while main intake and exaugst will stay the same.....
got lotza frigin equations too do.......... :weed:



Well-Known Member
Those moms are huge. :D
They will stay as mothers or You will flower them some day?


Well-Known Member
oh i would imagine i shall flower them some day, not till i want a change and get new dif moms going....
got 5 moms in the flower room now, 3 were cloned off first and 2 were big ass moms that started to bud in the veg room, so into 12h they went, uncloned...he he he, they are monster thick and only just got in there a bit ago, lol.....
plus i really like taking big ass clones so i like the moms big......

on a dif note.... here's what my rooms will look like for easter.... he he he.... gonna change things around so i can seal off the lights cooling air and get some Co2 pumpin, and to simplify everything too, utilize the spaces better.... gonna have to make a smaller cloner i think too.... :joint:



Well-Known Member
well, i'm late at'r tonight.... been designing my new room setup.....
went in and checked on the lady's tonight and took a buncha pics.... oh i can't wait for my next batch to finish......... :joint:



Well-Known Member
ah shit..... been a bit since my last update!
well...... i been battling with my ventelation steady, got the flower room staying under 90 now.... barly..... gonna get a way bigger carbon filter this weekend to solve the noice and add more steady airflow, my present filter made for way less airflow and sounds like a jet! he he he.....
finally finished croping off my first full batch,
28 AK47's and 12 Romulans.....
not to happy with the weight turnout sofar, but only got Romulan totaly dryed sofar..... 12 Romulans Produced 110g's.....
still waiting on the ak to finish dryin......
i gotta get things dialed in big time... fuk...
anyhow, to my rooms....
i made a new cloner with 51 sites, but won't have the DIY up for a bit while i finish testing it and rearanging the clone room.....
i hacked all my big moms down, toped them all to bring the main canopy down some, they look soo nice tho....
still got a buncha clones under the veg light yet to get some size, put 11 into 12 hour on friday.....
those frigin big ass EX mom's in the flower room lookin soo yummy! he he he.......
got some spots on the 11 new flowerin girls, think it's cause they have had no nutz yet, er i hope, but they gettin first nutz feeding tonight......
tossed in a peak of my new cloner and picks of my venting, lol........:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
just finished dryin and weighin my first crop off'z......
at 3 plants per pot.....
28 - AK47 x SSH produced 3/4 pound......
12 - ROMULAN x SSH produced 1/4 pound..........

gotta get it all dialed in and getting the new aerophonic setup designed and all the parts....


Well-Known Member
Hey there, epixbud! You've been very busy in there from the looks of things, and looks great!! You about to load that cloner up??<---looks awesome!!
I am really surprised you harvested 1lb from 40 plants......do you think its from being 3 per pot??<--roots? Or maybe temps to extreme-----did they end up showing much stress?

Well, it sounds like you have it all under control and also a first class grow room to do it in!<---looks like over an lb in there right now haha

Hope your having a great weekend!!



Well-Known Member
thankz there growinman.......
gotta rearange the clone room before i can get a fresh batcha clones into the new cloner,
and i think the lower end weight is all due to heat stress...... the plants do show some stress signs but seem to be getting better now that the temps are lower.......stays under 85 now
doin the plants at 3 per pot actually worked good! but i think they needed more veg time first, the bigger ones created good size buds.......
and ya, i think those ex-moms in the flower room gonna produce a lb min.
so here's some pics of them last night..... yum yum :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
shit, been a bit since an update.....
here's my present lady'z tonight.....
got some stuff i'm trying out for my hydro guy... supposed to make pot dry and cure faster.... gonna try it just for the hell of it, just flooded one plant with the solution an hour ago and gonna harvest it in 12 hours.....i'll post the pics of it and the maker after i test it, hate to advertise something if it don't work.....
had my wife bake a buncha browny'z tonight... lol, me got one hell of a body stone!
so here's my lady's and my clone room all rearanged......
got a MG deficiency in the current new batch i think, any suggestions...
i'm using a flowering additive for my fertz brand thats got all MG in it, plants still look like shit tho...
oh well, ill get her under control yet! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Everything is looking excellent!! I really like your ventilation set-up!
I cant even begin to say how I fought the heat for 2 years, before I got ac.....and what a difference temps make.......it's night and day!

great pics!! Gotta eat my last meal now.......got surgery in the morning........uhg,...


Well-Known Member
please give me some of ur weed! it looks so nice lol.

u have a great setup. in the top 5 ive seen on RIU. u really look after ur stuff, keep it clean and tidy etc.

ill give u some rep!

edit: cant give u any yet. i need to spread some love :p