AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
fukn eh, i have more faith in the rezilience of the lovely lady's, most of the clones have roots starting, ever so small but definate roots coming out! :joint: the moms lookin way good, big time getting ready for the next cloning..... and those there haiwian sweet skunk seedlings looking good too. still no lights in the bud room yet, update them in a few hours

i'm so fukn happy bout the clones starting roots! :hump:
there isn't any possibility they might hermie on me is there? they were without water spraying for least 5 hours,(while i slept) think the rooting horomon saved them sitting in it while i wuz at work... any ideas? (they all female)



Well-Known Member
oh ya baby! damb near all the clones have got good healthy white roots coming out! totally happy i saved em.....:weed: do those mother plants ever look sexy eh! :hump: they got soo many branch's. got some wierd leaves on the HSS, but the new growth looks alright... still got a few hours before the flower lights come on, but did go in and givem a folier spraying, so it dry's before the lights come on.... wow, i am so happy bout the clones! i'll get some flower pics up in few hours.....:weed:



Well-Known Member
there, flower room finally lit up, i tied up the mothers again, they getting too bushy again, and here some better pics of the roots starting on the clones too... :hump: man those budding babes look so nice with them clusters now, bigger by the day, YA BABY :joint:



Well-Known Member
here are some pics of them all tonight...... they all doing great and looking great, roots big time outa clones... :weed:



Well-Known Member
what mix are u using in ur medium? soil and perlite? is that something like 75% soil, 25% perlite?

how oftern do u find ur self watering these? i found that my SSH goes quite awhile without a feed.


Well-Known Member
for the medium, the moms and the sexing clones are in Sunshine Mix4, not sure how they mix it, and all they smaller ones are in a 80% peat, 20% perlite. i gotta water the moms every 3 days, the big budding ones every 4-5 days, the small'r ones every 7 days sofar, i wait till the potz are good and light, even let them droop some, it's way good for the roots when done proper.
and ya, all self watered, 1 fert feed then 2 water feeds, but have on ocation givin them moms 1 water the 1 fert if i notice they looked too light in colour, but not every time.


Well-Known Member
i thankfully keepin records of that stuff, i wanna get this setup soo dialed in, and going to change over to aerophonic systems in the new year, but need some profit to buy the stuff (DIY) and make sure i get the hang of it, then i'll fill the room with that and no soil involved at all, sept the MOMs! they gonna be in soil always.


Well-Known Member
wow, they all look yummy tonight, the clones have major roots outa ALL them! fukn eh, total comeback....the moms were dry and the seedlings, moms had sagging leaves even, here's pics of before and after watering, and nice budding action in the flower room, them 3 week old's got massive buds starting, and the newest additions, 1 week in are growing like mad, fukn eh......last pic is after watering (bout 2 hours)....:joint:



Well-Known Member
wow them roots look some nice this fine mormnin.. i'm thinkin of putting these 3 per pot, i wanna keep them short as posible so they should be OK with the space. 71 outa 75 clones have big time roots, 3 outa the remaining 4 have welts on them (usually roots starting), so what a comeback is all i can say.... all my other lights are off so them is all ya get for right now...:joint:



Well-Known Member
well only clone and veg room lit up, so i went out and did some shopping, bot pully's, cloths line and the proper hardware.... now my T5's and 400w are on pully's, fukn gonna be nice using them instead of the chains! still gotta do the 2x 600w's, but waiting for the lights to come on later, only one 600w hooked up right now, other will be up by next weekend... that cloner rocks! when i get those clones outa it i'm gonna redo it, and the shelve it's on, it works at round a 98+% turnout, and thats worth sinkin more coin in to make it better! (will be makin more spots too i think, thinkin 120!)
so here's some pics of the pully setups and them there little girls with there moms, and the future girls from the islands...... i'll get good pics of everything later tonight after i put the pully's in the flower room.... :joint:



Well-Known Member
wow does this cloner rock! look at them roots, those plants have been stressed to the max, almost dead twise! but behold, only 1 clone not showing roots yet! most of the rest have like 3" roots! when these clones hit soil, then i'm redo'n the cloner and shelve it's on, don't need the shelf soo big and gotta get rid of leaks, plus clean everything.
so i'll do another DIY (not DYI) on the upgraded version witch i got about 3-4 weeks to do before it's needed again.
end results, this cloner is bigger then what most people need, but with how well it works it's very eacy to adjust the unit size to any amount.
with a 98%-99% turnout, you can't go wrong! i've never had that much luck clonin in soil!
the most exspencive part of the hole cloner setup is the Growzyme i use in the water, $50 for a liter, but well worth it, it's man made enzimes and crap, not a rooting horomone, and works as they advertise, roots everything better then just water, or water and rooting horomone! i tryed it all the ways in this cloner and found this to work best-
cut your clones how you want! (not kidding)
soak them in KLN rooting horomone and water for 2h's
mix the rez, ph'd water with proper amount growzyme
trim the stems nice and put into cloner slots
within 7 days you will need to transplant! :hump:

the clone room has the only lights on so i'll post more pics again latter...:weed:


Well-Known Member
well the veg room lit up now, so here's some new pics, them there moms are getting way bushy again, are they ever going to be a handfull for round 4 weeks till i need new clones, they are gonna be some big ass clones next round for sure, almost think i'll sell a buncha clones if i can find a buyer, just to control them moms till i need more clones!.....once i get a batch harvested i'll only keep the best mom's, it'll be soo much eacier with less moms for sure....... checked on the cloner again, all clones have roots now! fukn eh....... :joint:



Well-Known Member
geezz, better update ya all, all my plants looking way awsome, gonna toss the clones into soil in the next few days..... i trimmed all the oversized leaves off the moms and the new flowering batch, veg and flower plants look awsome! look at them buds go! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
everything looks real good tonight, put all the new clones into soil, pulled out the cloner for some tweakin..... those moms got soo many clones waitim to cut! fukn eh bud action too, got some nut burn in the new budders, used way too much peat moss in the mix..... got new mix for the newest clones...... :weed:



Well-Known Member
damb they all look soo good tonight, gonna have nice big ass clones off them there mom's..... the newest batch is taking to soil real good, they all leanin towards the light for sure.... and the seedlings lookin sweet......oh wow on the budding action, nice nice nice......went to wallymart and found clamp on 6" fans for $5 each, so bot 4 to start, going back for more tomorow, they work pretty good they do... got my other 600w waitin for hookup, but gotta wait few days for the bulb........:joint:



Well-Known Member
last night........

well, yestrerday had to raise the T5's, frigin burnin some new clone leaves, man do they ever want more light! lol......and there wuz some fur on there soil, so put buncha fans on em.......frigin moister, gonna get some of them temp/humid wireless meters....... the moms got water last night and the HSS seedlings got fertz, and i put some extra fans in there too...... man they all look soooo goood........ and a good old YUM YUM to the buds for sure, that room got 3 extra fans now, 2 more days till the second 600w gets hooked up, just waitin on the bulb...

i'll do an update latter tonight of them this fine day....:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
doooh..... forgot to update it the other night... sorry, here's some veg pics, got all the clones on 18h under the T5's, think i might give them a mild fert mix tomorow.... got my other 600w hps bulb today, so i'm in there under green lights mounting it, wanna get the batchz organized and the haiwian sweet skunks in there too...so i'll have more pics on later, like a few hours... :weed:



Well-Known Member
there, second 600w mounted and running, totaly nice, 2 x 600w HPS in a 5'x8' space, them buds gonna get sooo much good light! fukn eh on the light in the room! put all the 1st buddin batch under the new bulb, and the rest with the Haiwian Sweet Skunks under the other, i really gotta start my plants small to make them work for my space! anyhow, here's some pics of my baby's as they all sit right now.... :joint:



Active Member
Looking good bro, I'm keeping an eye on this one because I'm going the same rout in a month or so. Decided on 2 600w flower room, SOG 30-40 plants, with t5's for clone and short veg, so it will be similar to this. Going with BC Big bud and BC God Bud probably.